Monday, August 12, 2019


Our little people hiding amongst the flowers.
It is fun yo see the joy the little children have when they find them. 

Today I enjoyed a phone call from Thelma Inkster, my old friend from 53rh Ave.  She felt worried about us so decided to call.  Of course we are doing fine now and it was good to hear all her news.  There have been some ups and downs in her family life too.  It took her awhile to adjust to the move to Abbotsford and she is enjoying the grandchildren.  I think Alex has two and Holly four.  We shared many good memories when we lived on the same street.  We are going to try and keep in touch.  Thelma and I attended a neighborhood Bible study time together and became very good friends.

I had my doctor's appointment today and while we were there dad was able to see his doctor too.  I had another good check-up and dad had his hip x-rayed before we came home.  He did not have to wait at all either at the doctor's or at the x-ray clinic.  So we had a good day.

I want to feel more joy in my life and I decided to start by buying flowers to take to the Nursing Home in White Rock as we were going to be there anyway.  I felt that I should also share some with Dr. Nolte.  I thought it was pretty silly but dad said "why not"

He was very happy to receive them.  I think if you try to bring joy to others it comes back to you.

I want to be more positive in my journalling!


Sandra said...

When will dad get his results of the xray.

I see the specialist today and was thinking it was for my knee but I bet it is just for my toe.

Will start working on the kitten room more tonight getting ready for the next batch, I think there are 5 of them.

Joy is good, might as well share it.

beth bennett said...

Hi Sandra
Dad will get his results in a day or two.

His hip did not hurt on his bike rode thiw morning.

:Let us know how you get on.
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Love mom