Thursday, August 1, 2019


                                                     My new clothes line.  It works!

I write in my journal first thing every morning and I believe it is a healing process.  Good for the mind as well as the soul.  I express what I am feeling whatever that maybe.  I do not want to dwell anymore on the past but look with joyous expectation to the future.  I love the early morning quiet and my first cup of coffee.

Everyday has the potential for moments of happiness as well as moments of frustration.

Dad and I have being enjoying our little back yard with friends but now the wasps have decided to visit us.  They land on our food and buzz around our heads and even follow us into the house.

Yesterday we went to the White Rock library and enjoyed our time there.  You can find different books.  I am always looking for mysteries and inspirational writings.  We enjoy sitting outside at our favorite restaurant.

My goal is now to share more positive and creative thoughts that remind me to be thankful.

I open the door early in the morning to let the cool air in and in flies  the first wasp of the day.

I jam my hat on my uncombed hair and I am off for my walk.

Both dad and I do a little work in the garden.  I dead head the flowers and pull small weeds and he cuts down big branches!

"All of us are seeking the same thing.  We share the desire to fulfill the highest, truest expression of our selves."    -Oprah


Sandra said...

It is good to have a purpose if nothing else. I am off today (Friday) and we will be in full party planning mode for tomorrow.

Allready starting to feel like fall with it being so dark in the morning.


beth bennett said...

Looking forward to a fun party
Love mom