Thursday, August 15, 2019


A little light chases away the darkness.
It enables us to see more clearly the goodness that gives us hope.

Today dad and I went to three stores to do our grocery shopping.  One store is better for the gluten free food but we end up at the Safeway because we know where everything is.  The cashiers in all the stores were so friendly and kind.

Early in the morning I went to the 7 Eleven where two elderly gentleman rushed to open the door for me.  I laughed at both of them.

We ate out between shopping as it is not good to go shopping if you are too hungry.  We met a man who lives down our street and it is always nice to see a friendly face.  We sat out side and the temperature was perfect.  We want to enjoy these summer days as much as we can now.

Our intention was to enjoy our day and enjoy the people we meet.


Sandra said...

It sounds like your intentions were pretty well met.

I started with a new counselor yesterday, seemed nice.

It is Mandi birthday today, may drive out to see her.


beth bennett said...

Good for you Sandra

We are visiting Vera today.

Love mom