Monday, August 5, 2019


      Carol and Justice play ball.

Dad took this fantastic picture,  I think it captures the beauty of motion and the joy of play.

Faith can capture the imagination that sees beauty in the trust we put into life as we reach out to one another.  Faith also involves risk.

I had a long talk to my brother Brian after Rick left.  He is so happy to have Traudle home again.  This was after they both rode in an ambulance to the Cranbrook hospital for a cat scan of her head.  The report was that all was fine.  She still had to be returned to hospital in Invermere.  It appears that it was a reaction to the drugs that cause her confusion and anxiety.

She is feeling very weak  but more like herself.  Life has changed for them both and a nurse comes to visit every day and they will get any help they need to keep them in their home.

Dad and I can relate to wanting to stay in our home and I see us getting more help in the future.  We can do a lot with the both of us sharing the tasks but a deeper cleaning would be a good idea.

When we marry some one we are trusting them with our future and our happiness.  There will be times when the water gets rough but as long as we pull together all will be well.  We are supported by a force that nourishes us  when we respond with gratitude and grace.

We both have the potential of becoming stronger even as our bodies become weaker.

Today we went to the Pharmacy at the Safeway as dad's eye medication was mixed up and the wrong ones where ordered.  A sweet young girl listened and promised that the order would be changed.

I am thankful tonight for a bit of a breeze.

I walked very early in the morning and dad rode his bike when it was warmer but at least we both got some exercise.

It is difficult to hear the news of more mass shootings and also the re-action of those who have the power to change the gun rules.

Faith is a journey.


Shandel said...

What beautiful photos. It looks like everyone had a good time at the parties. We are don our first week of holidays and back to work today. It was really hard to get up on time. Specially for me. Cameron is very diligent and responsible, he makes sure the dog is walked and that we are up on time. Working together is what makes our relationship work so well. Each doing some stuff to help each other out. We had some really good sunshine and fresh warm breeze. today the dark clouds and cool air is back a high of 16 only. More rain and storms.

beth bennett said...

Yes. Shandel the secret is to work together.

Going back to work is tough when you have had holidays.

I am always encouraged when some one takes the time to comment
and share what they are doing.

Love Grama Beth