Thursday, August 22, 2019


Yes I am still on Deas Island.

It was nice to walk in the rain early in the morning.  Nice to not have to water to-night.  Just have to put the garbage out.  A lot of life seems to be habit and routine.  It was a dull day outside and I felt dull inside knowing I need to make an effort to find new interests.

Dad worked hard down on his hands and knees to try and fix the plugged bathroom sink in his bathroom.  Finding all the tools to do it was a lot of work going up and down stairs.  He would be able to draw on past experiences to unplug the drain.

That seems to be an important part of life that we can use the past knowledge to be useful and also being aware there is always new things to learn..  I find that it is not that easy to be enthusiastic.

Our church will be closing the end of October but until that time we are being encouraged to share our stories of our community.  People who have left are being invited to come and join in.  

Sometimes I have come to church seeking answers but instead I found I had new questions.  Faith is a learning process and like a puzzle one find the pieces one at a time.

There are days when I feel weary but that is okay.


Sandra said...

I always feel a bit blah after all the kids leave after the summer visits. So much to do every day from the moment I wake up till I fall into bed at night. Now it is just quiet, usually home by my self, no one to talk to, clean up after or feed.

I know I have to make the effort to find another form of exercise that my knee can handle but just blah about it. Feeling sorry for my self.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra
I have been thinking about you.

Life just has its ups and downs.

Love mom