Sunday, August 11, 2019


Dad and I went off to church leaving later than usual.  There was no sign of traffic so we were almost tempted to go through the red light.  We already where late and were impatient.  Fortunately we did not as a speeding police car came around across the corner right in front of our path.

For many years Colebrook Church has been a community where we have formed great friendships but more than that it is a sacred place of worship.  We are reminded of God's presence as we begin with prayer and singing.  We have been inspired and touched by the music and by the sermons that we have heard.

Written in our memories are all the good times like the Strawberry tea and the Harvest Turkey dinner and Bible studies that have attended.  It has been for me a place of safety and security.  Problems and difficulties are left at the door and when we depart we feel more able to cope with life.

A time to let go of fear and find the peace of the Spirit.

On arriving home Sandra and Randy dropped by.  They had some fun stories to tell about their adventures.

Later Pat and John arrived for a visit and some vegetables fresh from their garden.  It is a lot of work for them and we appreciate them visiting and sharing with us.

I am surethe Parson family will have many memories to remind them of their visit.  Wales and Airplanes and swimming1


nancy-Lou said...

I thought your church was going to close Beth....have they found a way to stay open? so many of the churches have closed in Manitoba...we are fortunate that ours is still going, but who knows for how long. Most of the people who attend are white haired and they are slowly dropping off.

How is your flower garden doing? Do you have roses? I remember the lovely and huge hybrid tea roses my Great Aunt had in her garden in New Westminster. I could never grow roses like that here.
Our vegetable garden is really producing right now...the green climbing beans are almost finished though. We have about 20 large bags frozen for the winter.
The cucumbers are really producing and we have far too many. I must give away some.
The zucchini have mildew and it has weakened the plant but it is still producing.

Today is a lovely relief from all the hot and humid weather we have had...a nice fresh breeze is coming off the lake from the north. But when I went to my house which is located on top of a sand hill, it was hot!
I think we will be selling this beautiful home and moving to my house. This house is so large and there is just the two of us. I have already done the move here and downsized to about 15% of my possessions...but Ken has a lot of things...especially tools and a large workshop so it will be a liquidiation sale of some kind I think. We will do some re modelling at my house to make it comfortable. It is nice to think that I will be going 'home' again. I do love my house.

I have to work in the studio now and do some painting or framing...I would rather paint, but think I need to cut mats and frame. I have 6 VB paintings and some really nice other things too. I recently did two India Ink paintings using a grey scale...that is some water to make greys as well as using blacks. It was a drawing of reeds in the water...must a few ripples in the water and the reflections of the reeds. I have received good feedback and will try it again using different drawings.
I sold my piece that was in the contemporary art show. Now I can buy supplies and frames.

How has the summer been out in Vancouver? Hot? We sure will be glad when the cooler nights come along and we can have a fire in the stove. Ken burns wood all winter. We will put a wood stove in the living room of my house when we move in. There is nothing like a wood fire. Makes one feel good.

Well I am off to work! Have a lovely evening and a good sleep.
Love to you both,

Sandra said...

Who would have ever imagined that churches would be closing left and right because no one goes any more.

I am back to work today after a day of resting and not doing a lot yesterday. From the sounds of it Stephen and Shawna made good time driving home.


beth bennett said...

Stephen and Shawna will be glad to be home.

Nancy my roses are not aso good this year
I have yellow and red and white.

Moving home is a good idea.

Love to you both
