Monday, August 26, 2019


A day of action.  We drop off clothes to the Thrift Store and join Sandra in our search for a new chesterfield.  She deserves the credit for helping us find one a store in Langley.  This was the second place we had looked with her.  Looking actually meant sitting as we tried out one after another.  We now have a love seat which is very comfortable and good for the two if us to watch T.V. which we like to do in the evenings together.  The Lazy Boy Store.  Now according to dad everyone else will sit on the floor, which may not be a bad idea.  But really we will have a couple of extra chairs.

First we had gone to church and stayed to visit with old friends.  The message was telling to inform us we are never to old to make changes.  Our church is still carrying on with a good team work of people.  It was good to remember the times we have shared, sad and happy times, with a common goal and now facing an uncertain future.

There is power and strength  working  as a team that encourages the best that is within us.

Team work is important in sports and in families as well as in our churches.


Sandra said...

Does that mean you already have the new love seat? I have been looking at Wayfair web site and they have lots of options for chairs. Since it is not as important to have them be super comfortable I think we should give it a try, good prices.


beth bennett said...

Wonderful news that MAANDY AND JAMES newlittle one is here
and already experiencing loving arms around him.
How wonderful that the pictures can be shared by so many.

We are so very happy for you all.

Love mom