Thursday, August 29, 2019


Why did we want a new chesterfield?  It was looking sad and the mice kept using it to nest in.  It has now gone and we will see what happens with the visitations of the mice.  Also I thought it was making my back sore but so far the new one has not helped that.

We are going to buy a new front door.  Why?  The old lock was not working and the new lock dad bought today is not working so we need a new door that looks.

Why do I like to add some religious thoughts to my blog?

My faith has given me joy and peace and it is what interests me.

I have found happiness in my search for meaning in the mystery of the unknown that invites us all to be seekers.

There is truth that is hidden in the stories that stay in our memory.  We all know the story of the good Samaritan.

I have always felt accepted and comfortable in religious settings.

 I have experienced life changing awareness of something greater than what I can see or hear but faith gives me  a comfort and a strength.

I have made so many wonderful friends as we have sought to grow and learn together.


Sandra said...

Buying a new door because you can't fix a lock seems extreme. You know they have people who fix locks, they are called lock smiths. They come to your house and fix locks. It is amazing eh! A lot cheaper than a new door.

I get my 5 kittens at noon today.


beth bennett said...

Sandra That is true.

We do not like our front door.

Dad wants to rebuikd our front deck. too.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I hope the mice are fooled. :)



Anonymous said...

You need a cat mom , a good mouser ...steal one of Sandra's kittens ..