Tuesday, August 13, 2019


                                           All religions stress being grateful.

             On my morning walk I am grateful for all the trees that give shade and beauty.
Being grateful for the beauty of nature comes naturally.  Then there are times when you stub  your toe and it really hurts.  It can be the pain of disappointment or a sore back these things are hard to be grateful for.  I am trying to be more thoughtful and appreciate the good things I have.

Grateful that in every experience I can learn something.

Grateful that I do not know the future.

Yesterday I came home grateful for my doctor who listens to my complaints.  I think he is grateful for when I do not have any.

Grateful for a renewed interest \n life.

Dad and I have a quiet day today.
Garatful we have each other.

Grateful for honest people in my life.
He has a new interest in camera's since Pat and John where here.  He has rescue his old camera from the shelf and reading about how to use it.

Now we are off to London Drugs to get some helpful advice


Sandra said...

That is good to have an interest and cameras can be a lot of fun.

Did my first walk since being told to get back at it. Just did half the loop and it is hard since I have to concentrate over every step I take.

I did not get a card in time to send for Mary's birthday but get a late one sent out.


beth bennett said...

HI Sandra
I cannot remember if I sent a card to Mary.
So sent anotherone.

Dad has buritis in his hip.

Reading about it on the net.

Take it easy walking again.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Bursitis is painful..I feel sorry for Larry. I hope that he can get back to riding his bike soon.
It is good to know that you are doing well Beth and had a good check up!

I had a sore knee but once I stuck with practicing tai chi daily it is completely gone. It has strengthened the ligaments and tendons to support the knee I think. Amazing! Truly is. In the last two days we have done the complete exercises and set of Tai chi four times...twice in the mornings at home and twice at a class...I feel well exercised and I feel tired tonight.
Just doing too much without and time inbetween. Like Tai Chi to teaching then back to Tai Chi and then making dinner...From 9 - 6 with no rest. So tonight I gave myself the evening off!

What happened to Sandra, that she has to start walking slowly again?

It is so nice to see that they are going to foster another batch of kittens. I wonder how many batches they have done? Such good people!

Ken and I went over to my house today to see what we can do to fix it up and get it ready to move to. Looking at where we will put the furniture too. I gave away or sold all mine so we will be taking his. With the exception of my office and art and music things...I kept all that and even with downsizing I still have lots.

My friend saw a cougar sauntering across the highway...it was stalking something. It was about 40 kms from here, but cougars are seen here as well.

We have bears in the beach and I was so sorry to hear that conservations officers shot a bear that was in the garbage at the bins. There is not reason to shoot a bear unless it is threatening people and I don't think it was according to witness'.

Well I am going to go and relax with ken and watch some telly...I wish you a lovely evening,
Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

You sound very happy and busy.

Lots of new plans.

Good for you both.

Love beth