Sunday, August 4, 2019


The perfect place for a fun and relaxing party is at Sandra and Randy's.  It is amazing to see how well all the children do in the water.
                     We were pleased that Chris was able to join us as he had a day off.

                                                Astrid is a little shy at first.
Little Walker has a great time jump in and out.  Lots of hands ready to catch him.

Ophelia and Astrid have a great time too.  She tells me she is swimming and she loves it.
                                 Astrid laughs at Walker.  All the children have a great time.
                                              Ben and Justice make a big splash!
Rick joins the other dads in the pool.  Great fun being a grand dad.
Theresa and Tasha enjoy a visit.
Nana takes pictures of the grandchildren opening presents.
Lincoln and Seeley are impressed with their birthday cakes.

It was great fun but a lot of work for Sandra and Randy
and Stephen and Shawna!
It is good others help by bringing salad etc.
Morgan the typical pre teen!

Sunday morning we had a relaxing breakfast with Rick before he headed home.

Dad went for a bike ride and then we went to the ball park to watch Paten play.  An exciting game and we all cheered loudly when they won.

Too hot in my computer room.

Good news from my brother Brian Traudle has been sent home from the hospital after the pills she was taking confused her.  An upsetting time for them both.
She is recovering slowly.  Both are getting more rest.


Sandra said...

We ended up going to Bear Creek Park but it was just too hot and the kids were not happy so we just came home and went in the pool instead.


Anonymous said...

Looks like another fun day. Family times are such special times.

nancy-Lou said...

What a wonderful family gathering and no place better than a swimming pool. My goodness there were a lot of little must have been a busy busy time! Lots of fun for everyone. Great photos Beth of everyone and I was just thinking of how far many have travelled to be there. A close family!

Sandra and Randy have the perfect place for large family gatherings don't they?

We are getting ready for Ken's family to come and stay with us. They are from Kalamazoo Michigan. Near Chicago. Good thing we have a large house...lots of room for them.

I was part of an art show hosted by the Fleet Gallery from Winnipeg yesterday. It was here at Vb and at the summer clubhouse along the lake. It was extremely hot, but very well attended. I had one piece in the show and it sold. Mind you the gallery takes 40% commission...but I am happy. It was a contemporary show...of modern art. I put in a collage, which I painted an assembled which was based on my love of music. It was one of my favourite pieces and I knew it would sell because of that. I will do more.

It has been very hot here. WE have air conditioning and our house is along the lake, but the humidity was awful. Today is like a breath of fresh air with the wind coming off the lake and from the north.

It is good to hear you are going for your walks still and Larry is biking...helps keep you mobile. We do Tai Chi every morning and it ahs strengthened me a lot. I walk a lot more firmly and my centre is strong now. My leg muscles are larger than when I was young. We walk too. Ken is teaching every blessed to have a Tai Master as my partner.

Well I have to do some more 'stuff' around the house, so will say goodbye for now,

Wishing you a good day today,
love to you both,

beth bennett said...

YES we have a wonderful family.

A wonderful neighborhood as two other
families came out to cheer on Paten
at his provincial baseball tourament.

Very hot even in the shade,

Love mom (Beth)