Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I always appreciate returning home and putting my feet up  to get warm.
These socks are special ones to keep your feet warm.  I even wore them to bed.  This relieved dad the thrill of having my ice warm feet on his back.  Dad got a pair too.

My cough is better and I do have a puffer but my energy is very low.  I have to force myself to get out of bed in the morning which is very unusual for me.  If I start coughing up nasty stuff I will go to the doctor.

Kim is cleaning the house today and I took down Christmas decorations and went to visit Gundy.   Dad is back at Carol and Panteli's doing wiring.

Tuesday we are excited to have Aislan and Tyler come to visit with Leah and Craig.  We know what their allergies are which is good as Kim wants to cook for them.  We would just take them out for lunch but it is wonderful Kim loves to cook.

Since dad will take the car again on Wed. I will not be visiting Jim  and I feel bad about that.

 We get cranky with each other too!

I will return for sure the next week and I hope he is still there.
“I simply cannot limit my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery or death.
I think, instead, of peace and tranquillity returning again”
- Anne Frank



Anonymous said...

Larry was a big help again yesterday, and we discovered that not all door knobs are created equal. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Sandra's on Thursday!Panteli

Sandra said...

Wish I could be there, have a good visit and we will see you on Thursday.

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, getting back home is a good feeling, as is getting one's feet warm if they have gotten cold.



nancy-Lou said...

That is great that Larry can do wiring...sure saves a lot of $$$ with the price of electricians. It sounds like Carol and Panteli's new home is coming along nicely. Will look forward to some pics when you go there Beth!

Kim is such a talented young lady in so many ways....with her talent for the arts and with cooking and helping her grandparents....good for you Kim! Where is she studying fine arts? At Simon FRaser or the U fo BC?

Tomorrow I have to take Bella, our little Shnoodle dog to the vets. I suspect she has a urinary tract infection. I have to take Max, her brother too, they are a bonded pair and get upset if they are parted at all.

Thursday I am making our family New Year's Day supper. Ham and scalloped potatoes. There will be 7 of us

It is a cold day. -22 with a strong wind. The steam is rising off the heated water bowl that we keep for the birds and the deer. I am going out now to feed them and add more water. BRRRRRR.

Sorry to hear you have very little energy Beth.Just take it easy and it will gradually return. You have been pretty sick. The flu has hit Manitoba with a vengeance...the emergency room is overrun. We are staying home as much as we can.

Have a restful day and feel better soon,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Happy new year.
Sounds like you are a bit better Mom.

beth bennett said...

Happy New Year Ken,
love mom