Friday, December 5, 2014


A little package of food left for the man who looks in the garbage for
left over food regularly.   This was put there by Kim in the little park near us. 

Sad to see the street people in this cold weather begging for food and hearing stories of poor families that do not have enough.  We can not help them all but with thoughtful people like Kim around we can do a little bit.  Love to see the look on his face when he sees it!

Thankful for a thoughtful husband who would  go visiting with me to the Seniors home and to the hospital yesterday.  A lot of sick people at this time of year that must feel very lonely shut away in the hospital.  The lady we were visiting was 94 I believe and has been in her own little home with her dog until this month.  She has a very bright outlook on life even though her short term memory has gone and she is no longer able to care for herself or her dog.
Yes the snow is still around when Haiti and I took a little walk over to the park so I could take pictures knowing it will be warming up and raining soon. 
Very thoughtful friend that I used to walk with named Janet phoned the other night and we had a good chin-wag.  She walks her dog still and also rides her bike all over Vancouver telling us of new bike lanes in Ladner and in Stanley Park as well as the water shed park.

These big old trees in the watershed are so very tall and I am sure they could tell a story or two.

I did enjoy our ladies get together where we feasted on good food and exchanged old used articles we wanted to recycle as gifts.  It turned out to be fun although I had moaned a bit before I went thinking there was so much to be done here.

Our minister Daniel is so very thoughtful visiting everyone in the congregation especially the shut-in's who so very much appreciate a caring visitor; he is came to visit us today.  We were a little late arriving home as I had trouble finding Joyce's room in the hospital.  The traffic was bad when we drove home.  Fortunately Kim was at home to let Daniel in and give him tea and warm chocolate cookies. 

The day warmed up and all this snow was melting.    Today which is Friday dad and I are visiting Pearle a friend did hospital visiting with  both dad and I  in White Rock.  She is now in a home as she is in her 90's too.  After we are meeting Jane and Geof so looking forward to our day.


Anonymous said...

CArol will be working at the house today if you guys want to drop by. I will be at Kwantlen for a class.Panteli

beth bennett said...

We would love to do that but we have plans to visit an old friend and have lunch with Jane and Geof. We have missed our visits with them.
What are you two doing on Sunday.
Rick will be here and lunch is for Sandra and Randy's house.
Love Beth

Sandra said...

Lunch at my house has been canceled, it is now dinner at the Green Lettuce. I think the change was so Leah and Craig could come. Have a nice day. I have told Randy he has to be very quiet so I can do my studying. Sandra

larry bennett said...

That is a good plan especially with your studying. Save the meatballs we will come another time in the New Year.
Good luck with studying!
love mom and dad.

nancy-Lou said...

Thoughtful and compassionate you and Kim are...looking out for the homeless man. It is so sad to see people spending bundles of money on themselves and family for Christmas...with gifts, gifts and more gifts and the homeless are living in such poverty.

We don't buy gifts...we make them or donate our time as gifts. We give the Salvation Army a gift of money instead.

I hope the 94 year old ladies dog found a good home. So sad when seniors have to give up their pets. There is a lady in Winnipeg who lives in a senior's home and she fell in love with a little senior dog, age 9, at a shelter...she is 96. After some discussion with the staff they decided to let her keep the dog. He is a big hit with everyone there and she enjoys taking him out for his little walks. A good news story!

I wish you a good day visiting and hope it has warmed up there.

Good luck to Sandra with her studies and exam.

Love, Nancy