Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Yes God made the front page of the National Post one day last week.  I read the articles but not too helpful.  The Pope is doing well with putting more attention on what is important in the Christian life.  He is concerned with poverty and peace more than some of the old issues.  He is not changing church doctrine on gay marriage or abortion.  He talks about the church being a place of mercy and forgiveness.  He actually visited the slums in Buenos Aries by taking the bus as a bishop. 

The other article talked about people watching T.V. church programs rather than attending a church.  Most of them now turn me off.  They all seem so smooth and know all the answers.  Our minister admits he is still searching as all of us are.

I think that the bottom line is that we all have our problems with God.
In fact two people discussing God may have totally different thoughts and pictures in their heads,
I think that God is becoming real because the words we use about Him are changing.
No on can put God in a box or in a certain category. Just when I think I may have him figured out He surprises me. 
"Each one of us has the God-given potential within ourselves to become a temple of peace, and beauty, and harmony."  -P. Yogananda.

Yesterday I stood in line I hope for the last time to buy stamps. I usually get behind some one with a million parcels and they have  big discussions about each one.   After I  went for a walk and then visiting  visiting while day wrote E. Mails and then went for a brisk bike ride.

I was sitting home alone and thinking no one calls when I am home and no one phones when the phone rang and it was Stephen.  It was really great to talk to him and I could hear Lincoln in the back ground.  He sounded happy so maybe he was getting into something.

Sorry to miss Craig's birthday bash but maybe next time.  I have hopes some one will find that fountain of youth  any day now.  Boy that would make the front page! !


Sandra said...

That is nice that Stephen called. We are on our way back to Kitchener. The visit in Sarnia was not to too bad.

Steady-as-rain said...

Oops - most of my today thoughts went into a comment on yesterday's blog.



beth bennett said...

Yes, it is tough when you run out of thoughts.

I suppose one can say God is both a he and a she but that makes it hard to write. He/She?

Glad you made the visit to Sarnia Sandra and Randy. Simone is growing up so quickly and your time there will fly by.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I think God is not in a human form at all...God is not masculine or feminine....and then I type " HE is God"...it is so ingrained to think of HIM as a human form.

That checker in Safeway was pretty ignorant to you.....honestly she needs to learn some respect for people.

It must be hard to have many of your family away at Christmas time...you would miss them and all the fun! Our Christmas's are becoming a much quieter affair now too. We don't exchange presents and just get together for Christmas supper....no brunches as we used to do and not a huge pile of gifts. Much easier...change is good!

The turkey is thawing in the fridge and the house is clean. We didn't go shopping in the city...roads are too icy, just going to pick up a few things at the local store. Carl bought some beef fat for the birds...we were nearly out. So I will climb the ladder and stock them up again!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Matthew feeling better . We, mattew and I , went to the big park yesterday afternoon. The big black clouds surrounding us , but it never did storm. Then we went to the new mcdonalds where you can make your own burger and they deliver it to your table. Good .
Then Matthew went late shopping with his mother. Jassy and I stayed home and played with the chicken and four kittens.
I think we have someone picking up a kitten today. On,y three left .