Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Saying good-bye Sunday night still figuring out plans for Christmas.  Rick will be away visiting a son in Trinidad and Sandra and Randy will have a jolly time with Simone and her family in Kitchener.  Theresa and Mikie will be with his dad and his sister and their daughter. 

We are having brunch at Sandra and Randy's where Kim is house and dog sitting.  We hope Craig and Leah will be able to make it then or on Christmas day.  Simple plans just to nibble and feast on forbidden fruit!

Cameron is Sandra's son and is in Edmonton.
Below is a picture of Rick with Daughter Leah and son Chris.

This is Rick with his daughter Leah and son Chris who we miss seeing at family gatherings.

P8101937I am up early to say good-bye to Rick and hope to keep going for the day.  I make time to visit Gundy and she is happy to see me.  I give her a present of a very pretty towel not knowing what her re-action will be.  She is pleased and says she will use it every day and be reminded of our friendship.

I tell Gundy about the article in the newspaper about the terrible hardships a North Korean lady has to endure. 
Her answer to what got her through was "I do not think I was thinking much about anything, but I was FEELING something that I realized was LOVE, something bigger and more beyond me.  There were times I would have given up, so that helped get me through."  -Lucia Jang.

None of us know the future holds but for me I know that I also sense a Love that will not let me go and will be with me today and everyday.

Dad has his eye appointment to-day and also sees his doctor about the C.T.Scan results. He was called to go in.   He may also have to go to the neurologist but that means waiting so it is good he can go in quickly.

Some of the unknown will become known.


Sandra said...

I assume you managed to stay up all day? I think after the test on Friday I am going to come home and sleep because I am not doing it much now!


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra I managed to stay up all day but was actually more tired today.
Arrived at the eye doctor an hour and a half too early but it was there mistake which I did not know about till I read the appointment card when I got home.
I could have fallen asleep in the chair.
I hope you can get some sleep that is not good at all. Only a few more days and it will be over.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

What a grand family the Bennetts are! So caring and visiting often with each other. A real old fashioned family...contrary to many modern day families who either don't care or are ' too busy'.
Thanks for sorting out the grandchildren for me Beth...I think I know everyone now!

Isn't the picture of the calla lily pretty...at least I think it is a calla lily....the orange and yellow plant.

What a long wait at the eye doctors....that is one thing I do not like...for some reason I am uncomfortable in a room full of people I do not know. Of course the wait is boring too...but I have my iphone and play games.

Love, Nancy