Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Looking for pictures that I forgot I have not downloaded yet so no wonder I cannot find them.  Still cold here and our street is very icy and walking is tricky because of the frozen snow.

Life can be complex at any age although some people think us older mature people have a lot of spare time.  Believe me I rarely find that and at the end of the day have lots I did   not get done. 

We are old hands at the x-ray department and everything goes smoothly until your dad decides he does not want to change into a gown and the girl being nice agrees with him.  All goes well until she sees the buckles on his blue jean overalls.  He will have to remove them which he did and his pants immediately fell down.  Now I would be embarrassed but not your dad.  They were taking pictures of his neck and his head.  Came home and had to drink a lot of water (not like Sandra she had to drink it before her procedure).  We had planned to do some shopping but dad rested and I tied up and put out a few Christmas decorations.  We came home and Kim was adding to our Christmas lights outside.  The neighbors will start to wonder if we are trying to out do them.

I have been learning how complex the brain is and still have lots to learn.

Also our human emotions are more complex than we realize.  Sometimes we do not really know ourselves until something bad happens.

Also our bodies are very complex and can give us pain and discomfort at times.

Religion and spiritual is complex.

There is a note at the entrance of the hospital if you have not had the flu shot you are to wear a mask that is provided.  Dad did not even read it but ignorance is not an excuse.

As we leave our house dad asks me if he had closed the garage door and because it is something he automatically does it is hard to remember.  So we drive around the block and it was closed.

I am thankful we can park in a handi-cap zone which makes the car a lot easier to find.  I have at times come out of the store and walked up and down between the cars trying to find my car.

I am so very thankful for my sight and for my arms and legs!  We take a lot of things for granted.

The picture was taken in the Water Shed Park.  A short walk into the park and met an old friend Gwen!

"The older way of seeing and reading the Bible, has made the Bible (for some) incredible and irrelevant."  Marcus Borg  But not for me!


Anonymous said...

8 manningtree parade
Craigieburn victoria
Australia 3064.
... We don't live in digger rest , we moved 4 years ago.
We are all feeling better. Lady from school called and asked us if we coulld pick up,her daughter . As she was sick as well. We didn't . Now her son has caught it. Hope it's just a 24 hour thing.

Sandra said...

Another cold morning, took my fuzzy slippers to work yesterday so I did not clomp around in my snow boots.

So I was thinking meatloaf for lunch on Sunday, have you had it lately?


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, emotions are funny things.

You and Dad should both get the flu shot. I'm going to today, I think.

Thanks Ken for the address.



beth bennett said...

It is not safe to ask me anything. There is a U.C.W. party today and I think Monica has moved so am not sure if I will go.
Dad loves meatballs.
Kim is not coming I guess.
Has Rick answered the facebook message yet?
Experiencing brain freeze which is just a little worse than brain fog!
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Your forgotten pictures are very nice...I like the one of the ducks in the pond with the dried grasses in the foreground.
Glad you found them. I hope you have snow boots with good rubber soles, not plastic soles.Plastic soles have caused many people to take a tumble. Be careful..but I don't need to tell you I? You know!

I was laughing at Larry...letting his pants fall down right we wouldn't do that would we Beth? Men are so different. One time Carl was in the examining room of his Orthopedic doctor and a young female resident came in to remove the staples in his knees....she said, " take down your pants" to which he replies, " you first"! yup...that's men for you!

I think these doctors just dream up all these tests and visits to make themselves money....I know sometimes they are necessary...but it seems like too many. We are not going to any this winter unless it is really necessary.

Human emotions are complex and sometimes I think I just do not know myself at all. I seem to have changed not that I turned 70. Braver and speak my mind. Is that really me?

It is going to be another wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy I so agree men are funny!
Also I have changed now that I am 77. It is time for us to do our own thing and be true to our feelings!
love beth