Thursday, December 25, 2014


I put pictures on yesterday in the house. 

This was the walk Morgan and I took with Haiti.  I had good shoes on so walking was a bit tricky.  It turned out to be a lovely sunny day.  Haiti barked at the ducks and tried to climb a tree after the squirrels.

  I did not take all three dogs I left that for Kim.  It was good to get out in the fresh air.

Morgan was too excited to listen to a story so we will have to do it another day.  As we walked  I  look down into her eyes shining so brightly!

These pictures are better than ones taken in the house.


We left about three and the plan was to go to church with Carol but I was too tired.  It usually is a special service with candle lighting etc. so I was sorry to miss it. 
Merry Christmas to all.
Yes Christmas has finally arrived.

Dad and I will go and visit Cathy and Glen and the five girls with three toddlers now so that should be a fun morning.  They always welcome us so warmly and we feel part of their family.  It is amazing to see all our lovely girls in our family and theirs being so kind and considerate.

Carol and Panteli, Kim and dad and I have been graciously invited to Chuck's house for turkey dinner.  Mikie and his dad will be doing the honors.

Long after the angels disappear into the heavens, the shepherds returned to their flocks, the magi journey home and the great star fades away the love of Jesus will be with us until eternity. 
Hopefully  this story of the first Christmas awakens new hope in our world where we often feel so lost and hopeless.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, three dogs would have been too much!

Lucas and Ranu appreciated the gifts you sent along.

I'll call you soon.



nancy-Lou said...

Merry Christmas to the Bennett Clan. Wishing you a blessed Christmas filled with fun and merriment.

That is such a pretty place where you walked with Morgan and Haiti Beth. Nice photos. Your brunch sounds awesome and to have the fellows do the cooking is even better!

The carol service last night was absolutely wonderful. It showcased the talented children in our community...and they were so good, playing the fiddle, the guitar, piano, singing and helping to read the Christmas story.
The finale was a rousing Christmas song that was "canned music"...but the leader had everyone up and clapping and wishing each other a Merry Christmas. The the fiddler played a spontaneous jig and many were up jigging like crazy. I swear the church roof did levitate.
That is the best way to celebrate the birth of Jesus!
The church windows were lit with candles and the snow gently wafted down...

Have a wonderful day today with your family, Beth and Larry,

Love to all,

beth bennett said...

Nancy what a beautiful service. I have never levitated myself but maybe one
Lost my voice today after a night of continually coughing so I think we will have a quiet day. We had the best time ever yesterday so that was good.
Christmas blessings to you and your family.
Love beth and Larry

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, be sure and take care of that cough. Maybe you need a open up your airways,coughing all night is exhausting must be tired.

Glad you are having a quiet day. Carl is sick, with nausea so we postponed the Christmas dinner to a New Year's day dinner. Our son was sick to and our other son is at his girlfriends home.

Take care Beth,
Love, Nancy