Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder.  The capacity for wonder has been called our most pregnant human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion.
Is it right to tell children that Santa Clause is real?
Sandra and Randy have different opinions.
I have heard Randy tell of the joy he had of being Santa and going to many homes and places to bring happiness to children.  I love a good story and this was is built on a true saint who gave candy to good children.  We gather up toys for children who may not get any.  Even a dying boy thought of others and wanted other children to have toys too.  His story was on the news last night.
Jesus came into a world just like ours full of pain and injustice, poverty and hunger.  We are still killing innocent children and abusing power.  I like to think one of his messages was to tell us to stand up against bullies and to protect the weak and vulnerable.  All we can hope and pray for is  that something good comes out of tragedy.
Christmas can be a sad time for many.  Maybe we can make it better for a few.
Love can make us brave!


Sandra said...

This Christmas is certainly going to be sad for lots of people. The news these past days has been horrible.

It is like the home school debate, people get very worked up and do not really listen. Oh well.


beth bennett said...

You are up early Sandra and so am I. I will walk in an hour.
Listening is so important.
have a good day.
love mom

Anonymous said...

You are so wonderful was the song they sang that started the tears for most mommies and some daddy's at kindy yesterday. we wet out for dinner to celebrate end of school for Jasmine and matthew drank too much milkshake and ended up vomiting all the way to the car!!!! I will send up a little video of jasmine.

beth bennett said...

Never a dull moment
We will enjoy seeing the video.
love mom

Theresa Rose said...

I thought you were going to say you had a video of the throwing up!?!?!