Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Every time the door is opened one can feel the chill in the air sneaking into our home.  I especially like to take extra warm jackets and thing in our car just in case we get chilled.

kimoliA chilly walk but at least I have my snow boots.  I am not out walking early like I was last year and mainly because I am staying in bed longer hating to get up in our chilly room.  Yes I am thankful for the heat that comes on and that I will be the first one up so can warm the house before dad and Kim awake.

 What a difference a year makes for better or for worse!  In all our lives!  Even in a few months!  Seems like it was just yesterday we at the beach!

My neighbor Colleen early to walk her three dogs in the dark.  She amazes me.  I think she would be at least ten years younger than me.  I do go for a walk and even though I have lots of layers come home chilled.  Eventually the sun came out and it warmed up just fine.

It was time to have fun picking out cards for the grandchildren and even the great grandchildren.
Hard to believe that Simone and Lincoln will be celebrating their second Christmas.  I manage to finish the job and head off to the store for rock salt but it was sold out.

It gets dark so early now and the chill is back in the air.

Life seems to be made up of a lot of trivial things that even when we are not aware of it they are changing us.  We all have our different ways of doing things but we can learn from each other when we are relaxed and keep a sense of humor.


Sandra said...

I wore my snowballs all day at work yesterday, I hate having cold feet.


Steady-as-rain said...

Does Kenny still live in Diggers Rest?

My big dental procedure is over. I'm glad about that.

Yes, I hate to be cold too.



beth bennett said...

Yes Ken still lives in Diggers Rest. It is good even diggers get a chance to rest.

What a relief for you to have your dental work done.

I think cold feet are the worst too.

Hope I can think of something to write about?

love mom

Sandra said...

Tell Rick to answer the Facebook message

nancy-Lou said...

I thought today was going to be a chilly day but it actually was nice at -16. There was no wind and I didn't have to wear my gloves or hat in to Super Store, then you get too hot!

It must really keep you busy with all the birthdays and Christmas when you have so many grandchildren and great grandchildren, Beth. Keeping track of it all must be a challenge. How wonderful to have such a large family.

Carl had his second infusion today and is feeling pretty good. He should be fine now for a year or so, unless the meds stop working. Hopefully they will stay working.They usually work for a couple of years and then the body gets used to them. He has been on many.

Is it any warmer in Vancouver today? It has been pretty cold for Vancouverites!

Winnipeg streets are lumpety bumpety with packed snow and ridges....they must have plowed too long after the last snow. I had a lot of driving too, because I had to drop Carl off at the clinic downtown and then pick him upand so errands.

Have a good sleep,
Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

I thought snowballs were candy, Sandra!

beth bennett said...

Still cold here. I love your writing Nancy.
love Betg

nancy-Lou said...

I couldn't imagine starting out my day without reading your blog, Beth! I LOVE your writing....it amazes me how you can come up with interesting topics each day....along with a good dollop of humour! Your faithfulness is much to be admired.

I am glad you enjoy my comments.

Love, Nancy