Thursday, December 18, 2014


PC171206The lights we put up to decorate our homes inside and out had very humble beginnings  It is believed that Martin Luther was the first to add lighted candles to the Christmas tree.  There was,  at that time, a debate about whether the Christmas tree was a pagan symbol or not.

 His idea was to bring the lights of the stars into the home of his family. 

It is now common on our street to see lights strung along the eves, wound around shrubs, woven through the branches of trees, some tall evergreen and some bare branches, and outlining all types of lawn ornaments.  Our street is bright but some streets attraction lines of cars driving by to see the extravagant displays with flashing lights and even music.  I would not wish to live on that street.

Dad has added a few more to our garden display.  We have a very small artificial tree that I am happy with.  We have a few decorations the children made and with a few lights it is just fine.

Actually the first date dad took me on was to drive around Saskatoon to look at the Christmas lights.

The lights remind me to be thankful for the blessings we have received and all the Christmas trees we have put up together as a family.

What a miracle to see Matthew and Jasmine singing their hearts out at their concerts.  They were both very bright lights in our eyes!   Thanks to great mom and dad!

Visiting today.  There is a new lady from our church who has just moved in.  What an amazing gal who has lived in her own home for over 93 years!


Sandra said...

I think there are more lights up i our neighbourhood than last year. I feel sad that we don't have any. I love Christmas lights. Just 3 more sleeps until I get to see Simone!

Steady-as-rain said...

Lucas has grown a lot since I saw him last.

Ranu lost her link to "Beth a life being lived" so I've sent it to her again, so she might start reading along as well.

I always forget how hot it is in Trinidad.

Christmas trees definitely are pagan, as is Christmas in general.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick there is some truth in that, but if something is pagan something has to be not pagan so what is that.
Have a good visit with Lucas and Ranu and give them hugs from us.
I would love to have her comment.
I would find it extremely hot there too.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

ohh interesting Christmas being pagan and what is not pagan. I hope to see some replies!Has my mind thinking...but not sure what to think!
I do know that Jesus would not be happy with all the self indulgence most people have the guise of Christmas. I think a few gifts for the kids is great!

I am happy not to be a part of it...well maybe in a small way..with having the family over for a good supper and living life being happy for the birth of Jesus all year long.

Do I sound like a curmudgeon? Maybe so?

We too enjoy seeing the lights at Christmas and I leave them up most of the winter...calling them "winter lights". They are blue and white. One of Carl's employees goes crazy at Christmas and even decorates his truck with lights galore. It is quite the topic of conversation around here.

How wonderful that you can see your grandchildren in Australia through the magic of the internet. REmember years ago a crackly long distance phone call was amazing? Just think of the progress in technology since we were born!

Have a great day, you two,

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, everything that is not the pure contemplation of the beauty of the god-shape is pagan. That is exactly right - so every piece of ritual, doctrine, dietary restriction, and all the meaningless rules and regulations that Jesus had to fight against, these are all pagan.

Religion, with all its structure and regimentation, is for ordinary people who want culture (which is what those things - ritual and conventional behaviour and public displays of religiosity are) instead of God. That's not a surprising failure but it is a key insight - religion is for people who can't handle god. In all religions, people follow the human cultural rituals and rules and then can feel good about themselves (how often do we encounter that in the Gospels! Every page!) without having to actually contemplate god at all. Religion is easy; god is hard.



beth bennett said...

Jesus did not come to start a new religion but to bring us the gospel that the love of God dwells among us and within us all imperfect and weird as we may be.
Good to keep us thinking Rick. love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Now I am intrigued all the more, with Rick's comments. Rick I wonder if you could recommend some good reading material? I would like to pursue this further. I would very much appreciate it.
