Tuesday, December 16, 2014


The original story about Bambi was written by Felix Salten  called “A Life in the Woods.”  We all loved the opening in the Walt Disney version which was a tale of  cute animals dancing and sliding on the ice.

My favorite saying was:  "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.

This story was taken from a children's book "Bambi A Life In The Woods." by Felix Salten.

Bambi comes under the tutelage of a mysterious old stag.  He shows Bambi how to live independently and always be alert to the dangers of the forest.  The stag is not crippled by fear.  He also explains that there is a transcendent and providential  Being who is great than man.  Bambi sees for himself when they come upon a dead hunter.

Every time we watch the news there is more and more proof of this as people kill each other.

John Updike in his book "The Poorhouse" ridicules the Christian belief that suffering and death have meaning.  An old man Hook disagrees: "It is an error to believe the absence of evil will follow the elimination of pain.  There is no goodness without belief.  And at the end of this life you shall know that without faith you have buried your talent in the ground of this world, and have nothing saved to take into the next."

Transforming grace gives meaning to our beginning and our ending.

Yes dad and I were glad to hear that the restriction at the base of the neck is cloistral and can be treated with diet and pills.  He is having his cloistral checked today and then will go back to his family doctor to talk things over.  He also has a nodule on his thyroid which they will keep an eye on.  I think this doctor is very through so dad will be well looked after.

We feel reassured about everything and dad had a salad for supper!  !

Christmas is  one reason to be filled with hope and Love!


Sandra said...

Dad seems to be in good hands, that is good news. That is the thing about religion, it feels the need to point out it's superiority over others. I can think of many better ways to describe a wasted life rather than not believing in Jesus. Well, and if my english was better it would help! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that Larry can manage it with diet and exercise. No more cookies in the house! xo Panteli

beth bennett said...

All I can say is what has helped me cope and the words that others have written speak into my life.
I do not see anyone in our church who has a superior attitude but others just trying to cope with the loss of their partners and others with failing health who smile and accept me for me.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

So glad Larry can look after the blockage with diet and exercise..no surgery needed! I too, have high cholestrol and watch my diet and walk daily. It really helps.

I remember seeing Bambi with my mom and crying when his mother died. Such a cut opening. in the movie..one we will always remember.

What a cruel world it is...with the terrible news of the children at the school in Pakistan being killed by the Taliban. It boggles the mind that people can be so evil.

Beth, have you seen the British series Brideshead Revisited? I am just on the last episode and it is such an excellent series. It is the story about British Aristocracy and the Catholic church set in the 1920's and 1930's. I highly recommend it. It is a 1981 production and I am sure you could get it at the library.

It is a beautiful day here...-20, fresh and invigorating. Busy morning at the bird feeder. We will go for a walk later on.

Have a wonderful Tuesday,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Jasmines last day of kindergarten today. Melina will be in tears as they sing their songs. We are taking matthew back to his ear nose as troat specialist for his post surgury checks up. I am on holidays for two weeks. Yahoo.
Good news about dad.

beth bennett said...

Ken glad you will be on holidays.
I know how Melina will feel, I get tears in my eyes too.
Dad may have to take pills. His blood was checked and is okay but one point over.
Thanks for commenting and telling us your news.
love mom

Theresa Rose said...

I am glad to hear good news about grampa. Salads are one of my favourite meals. And they never used to be. So there is hope for grampa.