Monday, December 8, 2014


Haiti waiting at the door.
We do not know if he will bark or wag his tail.
Everything is fine he remembers Rick.

These pictures are not in the right order but
 I am too tired after a very full and happy day, to change it now.    
Dad and Rick start off to visit the new home, under construction, of Carol and Panteli.
The story of Joseph and Mary remind us the importance of a father.  Joseph was a simple carpenter who has a major  part in  the story of Jesus.

Fathers are very special people who speak into our lives in unique ways.  I am thankful for my father and I have fond memories of the games he used to play with us after dinner.

  It made me think of all the people who work so hard at their jobs to make our lives comfortable and livable.  Some work out in the cold while others may be in side of stores or hospitals; schools or restaurants. 

To-morrow morning as Rick gets up early to leave for the airport the paper girl will be driving up to our door.  She is so very cheerful and works long hours doing several paper routes.

Dad and I are thankful for Rick's visit and hope all goes well for him on his trip back east.



Anonymous said...

looks like a good group at the Green Lettace. On late shift , 1AM ,finnish Qf9 MEL-DXB , running late . I cant believe the Canucks , just when i started to believe ....ugh ...
Matthew has his concert on Wednesday . ( I MAY GO SICK )

Sandra said...

It was nice that we all were able to make it. Did a bit more studying after I got home.

I need a hair cut!


nancy-Lou said...

Wonderful pics of the family, Beth. All looking great. Is Cameron, Rick's son? Still trying to sort things out. How about the other Granddaughter who is a nurse?
Glad you were able to go out for supper with the group...the Green Lettuce looks like a nice place.
What are your plans for Christmas Day?

We are going to have Christmas supper here, once again. Our family is so small that it really isn't a lot of work. We have our two sons, one sons girlfriend and our granddaughter, Carly. A grand total of 6. It may grow, if I know of anyone who is alone. I did ask Raymond a bachelor and he is going to get back to me.

Our little dog, Max, has become very fond of Carl. He seems to know when he has a lot of pain and he snuggles up to him and gives him hugs. He sits in his chair and keeps it warm when he gets up. They are so precious...Max and his sister Bella. She is more shy and is my shadow...wherever I am she is by my side...she grunts and groans when I pat her...she loves it! She sleeps on my the bookcase headboard on the bed. They have come so far since we brought them home, almost a year ago from the rescue in Minneapolis. They will be 7 in January. They are brother and sister and sweet.

It is a bright blue prairie sky day today...after some snow overnight and really looks pretty. We will go for our walk soon and enjoy the outdoors.

It is another great day!


Steady-as-rain said...

Very nice family dinner! I was worried at one point we wouldn't have enough food, but more kept appearing.

In Ottawa now.

Was early for my plane.



beth bennett said...

Thanks again for the visit and the plentiful supper. It was all delicious. I am not surprised you were early.
Enjoy your stay in Ottawa.

Dad went for a long bike ride so that was good. Now it is going to rain for days.
love mom

beth bennett said...

Ken I think you should go to Matthew's concert if you can. Dad and I have loved going to many over the years.
love mom