Saturday, December 6, 2014


Looking across the street there is one last tree with colorful leaves that shine in the winter sun but looking out the back there is a magnificent
icicle that will also disappear.  I have had the privilege of looking into the eyes of two very strong older ladies.  Both were involved in the war one as a nurse and the other in the air force.  Yes there minds are not quite with it but the spirit of who they are is very present.

Out the back door there is a magnificent icicle.  How we loved to break them off and suck on them as children.  Life seem full of little things that made us happy.  Coming home to a warm house at the end of the day was so comforting.  There was no T.V. but always a book to curl up with and read and programs on the radio like Superman and the Scarlet Pimpernel, or The Shadow knows.

If we look for lonely souls we find them sitting waiting for a kind word or a smile.  Love helps us transcends even the most difficult situations.

Enjoy the laughter of a child at play and join in.

Jesus came to taught us to speak into the lives of children, the least people, and the lost souls not just the popular and famous ones.

I nearly did not visit Jim on Thursday as I was short on time and when I got there he had a picture of his dad all ready to show me.  His dad was very handsome and I could see Jim looks like him so I think years ago Jim would have been very handsome.  He has shown me pictures in the past of airplanes he flew and he was very proud of his flying career.

Looking back over the last few days I have gotten things mixed up a bit.  Publishing on the wrong day among other mistakes I have made.  Today I will finish a few cards, move the junk out of the room for Rick and by a child's toy for the collection at the church.  I can donate to the food bank at church also or just at our Safeway.

Dad and I enjoyed a visit with Carol at their new place and we were amazed at all the work.  After we enjoyed a bit of lunch and drove to White Rock to visit Pearle in the Nursing Home.  I have always admired her courage and determination and when tears came to her eyes at my visit I told her it was okay.  We all like to put on happy faces but there is a time for tears.

Maybe even God's tears fall upon us at times. 

I continue to look for answers especially why some people have to carry heavy burdens
but I believe that God also is looking and reaching out to help us carry our burdens and wipe way our tears.


Sandra said...

I can not wait to see Carol and Pantelis place, it must have changes so much. Those young boys are amazing! You can see why pioneers would want large families.

What are you guys doing today? I guess I will call. I am studying of course, but do need breaks and you have not been over to see Randy's branch painting yet and soon it will be covered up in pictures.

Mary and Simone are going to Florida next week with Jeanne and MJ nice and her daughter.


beth bennett said...

We have no real plans so will drop by after lunch as we would like to see the wall and you two.
I need to buy a tot but will go to Target as it is not to busy. Have clean up I want to go for a bigger walk. love mom

beth bennett said...
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nancy-Lou said...

The tree is like a shining light showing the way. Very pretty.

Our apple trees hold their leaves a long time and even have a few apples left, on the branches. The deer stand on their hind legs and extend their front legs to knock down the apples.

You had a busy day, yesterday Beth! It is good for us senior's to remain active. Jim sure has come a long way, from not wanting to talk to waiting for you to show you something. Good for you for being persistent. I am sure underneath his gruffness he appreciates all you do.

I look forward to seeing some pics of Carol and Panteli's new looks so interesting.

I am hoping to work on the painting of my granddaughter is her Christmas gift. My Saturday music student is I have extra time.

It is going to be another great day!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hello. I love how you describe those ladies who were in the war. I watched "The Christmas Truce" last night and am amazed at the soldiers courage.

I wonder when Rick arrives? I should be there around 2 or 3. So tired today. The work at the house is slowing down because the ceiling downstairs is so hard to remove. Oh well. Soon finished and on to painting and sanding.