Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Time for us seems to march by quickly but not so for the little children.  Many will be too excited to sleep to-night.

My brother Brian phoned last night and has another growth in his sinus.  He sees the doctor in Jan. 

Dad has an appointment Dec. 29 with his family doctor to discuss the restriction in his artery.  They may want him to take a pill for cholesterol.  His family doctor is new for him now and is taking good care of him along with the specialist.

This morning we go to Sandra and Randy’s house where Ben will help make breakfast.  Theresa and the children will drive in early from Chilliwack to help Kim prepare.  Dad and I will go over about 9:30 and stay at least until Carol comes at noon.  I will add pictures after I get home as I have learned how to do that.

PC121107Dad and I visited our friend Gordon in the home in Cloverdale.  The security is very tight there.  You have to get a special card to enter the parking and to enter the elevator.  There are a lot of people there but most were sleeping so they did not look like they were thinking of escaping .
Dad is disappointed that he was unable to buy me a present but he buys me lots of things all year so I appreciate his thoughtfulness.  Shopping is too hard for both of us.  We do have a handicap parking sticker that helps but walking in the stores is too painful for him.
He rides his bike dog to the doggie  park in the forest and when it gets dryer we will be walking in there again.
"Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world-stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death- and that the blessed life that we celebrate as believers and no-believers which was born nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the  Eternal Love?"
-  Henry Van Dyke 
 Christmas is alive in our hearts and in our love for each other!
Merry Christmas Eve to some of you and Merry Christmas to others.


Anonymous said...

I will be doing some painting in the morning, then will come to Sandra and Randy's palce around noon, same time as Carol. What are you guys doing Christams eve? Should we have dinner together somewhere? We can decide this afternoon at the brinch! xo Panteli

beth bennett said...

We have no plans for Christmas Eve except maybe go to church if anyone wants to. I think the plan is to sit around and eat.

Carol may want to go or Leah may want to.

I will talk to them today.

You must be very excited about the progress in your new home. Have fun painting.
love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, I have high cholesterol too. I manage it fairly well with watching my diet ( low fat ) walking ( which I know Larry cannot do ) and the best helper is eating flax seeds. I sprinkle them on my cereal every morning and also add them to salads, You can add them to yogurt too.

I am so glad Larry is getting good care with a new family doctor. I think some doctors become complacent with senior's health...sad buy true. Our family physician is excellent...his practice is on the nearby reserve...he is very busy, but always has time to chat.

I bet you are looking forward to your brunch with the family today. Carl has a difficult time walking too, and doesn't go in the stores...I shop for him. He refuses to use the scooters at the stores...silly guy.

I am off to the practice with the kids at the church soon...always lots of fun. Love those kids! Then play at the service tonight. There isn't a more Christmasy feeling than to sit at the piano and see all your neighbours and friends singing their hearts out...sometimes I can feel the roof levitating with happiness! Well almost!

Merry Christmas to those far away and a blessed Christmas Eve Day to all,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Our turkey is in the oven, the stuffing is in the crock pot? and the presents are under the tree.

Had a fun walk this morning teaching Simone about slipping on ice and drawing in the mud.


Theresa Rose said...

That reminds me of my mom teaching Ben how to move your finger through the flame of a candle at the Christmas Eve service at Colebrook church. He was around 3 or 4 years old. Grandparents get to do whatever they want... No rules or consequenses :) sounds great!

Steady-as-rain said...

I will arrive back at Vancouver airport about 6:30 pm on Boxing Day, Dec 26th (Friday). If it is okay with you, I'd like to stay the night with you and Dad and then drive home to Kamloops Saturday morning.

I'll call on the telephone tomorrow to say Merry Christmas.

