Friday, December 26, 2014


Many in fact a lot of people have eaten their Christmas turkey dinner but dad and I and Nancy and Carol are laughing because we have ours to look forward to.  Ha Ha
I was extremely tired all day so did a lot of sleeping and listening to beautiful Christmas music.  Hopefully the worst is over .  These are flowers my neighbor gave to me that I was going to take with me to give away.  No pile of dishes to clean up over our simple meals that dad prepared.

Ben and his dad are great cooks they make a mess just like Sandra and Randy.  It was sure good,  some one knew how to load and start the dishwasher.  Or they would be doing dishes at Midnight,

It was sure good that we were home to get family phone calls.
Dad  did most of the talking.  It is amazing to hear the voices of our family from so far away,  Halifax, Australia and Trinidad.
Later  Carol and Panteli dropped by to spoil us with presents
exactly what we like.  Also there was some left overs from dinner for us to enjoy to-morrow.

Today Randy comes home and so does Rick and Tyler and his girl friend Aisland arrive from Melbourne.   Exciting times ahead that is for sure!


nancy-Lou said...

Aren't those the prettiest flowers? Gerberas I think. They have such intense colours.

We too, had a very quiet Christmas...first time ever, it was just Carl and I. I did cook the turkey dinner and it was really good...sometimes they can be tough. Carl is feeling quite a bit better and I hope you are too Beth.

My girlfriend called and invited us to their house for Christmas supper...but she has a sinus infection and I worry about Carl getting ill with his lowered immune system. I would have loved to have gone. I took a plate of Christmas supper to our son, Mark....he met me outside so I didn't pick up his bug. He sure is sick.

The best part of my Christmas day was the two long walks with my two dogs first and then my son's dog. It was so beautiful outdoors...snow wafting down and not a soul around....just the raven with his wings making that wafting sound as the wind swooshed through his feathers. Peaceful.

It looks like you will have lots more celebrating to do with family who are arriving soon. Feel better soon, Beth,

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hope your better today Mom.