Saturday, December 27, 2014


We live in a world of space and time and we are discovering even more about the tiniest particles that create everything.

When I are taking about God I am not talking about a physical being floating out in space.   No he/she is not like Santa with a sleigh and lots of helpers, who drops in once a year to reward good children.  He/she is beyond our conventional means of analysis and description, but can be found in our intuitive sense if we are willing to tune in.
So like Rob Bell when I am talking about God, I am talking about a Divine being who cannot be located in any specific time and space.  As human beings we ask a lot of questions and hope for some answers.  Science has a lot to tell us but so does faith.

PC261255Dad was given a painting set with paints and oils and some helpful advice.
He may become a grandpa Moses!  He can use the guidelines or do his own thing.

A lot of our family was flying through space and time as flew from Australia and Trinidad and from Kitchener and the time changes as they are travelling.

Rick is here and will be leaving today for his last part of his journey.  Haiti watches as he opens presents.



nancy-Lou said...

I enjoyed hearing your thoughts about what God is. I agree! You just have to open your heart to him and he will be there. I wonder what Ricks thoughts are regarding God? Maybe he will reply here.

Haiti looks as though she is expecting a present....she looks cute with her red ribbon.

It is a cold day here after a couple of weeks of unseasonally warm weather. It was -23 this morning and no wind which made it a pleasure to go outdoors and feed the birds. They too have a Christmas treat...I put out the turkey carcass and the magpies are having a great time picking it off. There are 7 magpies. There is light snow again but it won't deter us from our daily walk.
Bella and Max have coats to wear.

Are you and Larry watching the Junior World hockey championships? Canada plays Germany tonight.

What a thoughtful gift for Larry...a painting set. I do hope he gives it a try! Just be sure to keep your brushes soaking or they will become hockey sticks quickly...use a spritz bottle of water to lightly spray your palette of paint or they too will become dry in about 30 minutes. A good palette is a styrofoam plate or two.

Well. it is going to be another beautiful day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Just another word about painting for Larry.....the $ store has cheap canvas' in various sizes. Great for practicing on. The canvas is on stretchers...ready to hang on the wall, if you want to!

Anonymous said...

I guess Tyler made it? How are you feeling Mom?
I am watching the world jr games on my computer.
Hot and sunny today. Matthew and I took Rocky for a walk before it's too hot.

beth bennett said...

We phoned and Tyler is here.

Dad and I are watching the hockey games.

Much better but still have fits of coughing. Went to the library as I felt like getting out.

Thanks for the painting tips. Nancy. Larry and I can do it together!