Thursday, April 26, 2012


This composting I am finding is very messy business.

Yes our street is looking very messy with junk sitting out in front of most of the homes.  The rain pouring down makes it look even worse. .  The trees are raining down blossoms as they get soaked and it seems they are blooming for such a short time.

It is raining again this morning which makes the air very fresh.

I was thankful dad went to the store while I went to Bible Study at the church.  Most of us were a little weary after the work at the sale all week end.  They made good money and lots of people went home with their special little treasures.  I brought home a few books but I really should have donated some instead which I would have done if they look like they needed more books.

Enjoyed having Craig for dinner and to watch some hockey.  I think I drifted off.

Panteli arrives to-night at midnight and will take a cab here to the car lot.  Rick's car has come and gone and Craig is driving it.  Pentali's car is now park out if front waiting for him.

I was reading the back of a book cover which talks ab out Messy Christianity and it says if you want to look for Jesus today look for him in the midst of burned out believers, moral misfits and religious incompetents because just like his disciples we are a messy group of imperfect people.

Having lunch with Jane and Geof and then off visiting and doing my best to be cheerful!

Rick is safe in HongKong visiting his old friend and his wife.


beth bennett said...

Had a phone call from Ken. Sorry I missed his comment but it must have gone on after I checked. Dad usually does a final check at night but did not that night.

I am struggling with the new format and normally would have put this in the blog.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Well, at least it smells nice. We are busy Friday but would you guys and Panteli like to come over for dinner on Saturday? We can do it Sunday if he is busy. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

You are a busy lady Beth..lunch and visiting sounds good to me. Those poor lonely folks in the nursing homes are fortunate to have you visit them. I hope to be able to find more time to do the same.
Too bad the Canucks lost....we were rooting for them, Nancy

Anonymous said...

33 for Ottawa .
I work with his brother