Friday, April 20, 2012


I began the day with cutting the grass and I started thinking how the smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of cutting the lawn as a child so many years ago.  Having first Mary visit and now Oliver brings back many memories too.  I had forgotten until Sandra mentioned it how we use to go walking with the children in the buggies.

Oliver arrived just before I was going visiting. It was interesting that Jim started talking about some of his memories of driving to Mexico and ending up in jail for a few days.  He wishes his children knew him better as the person he really is; not this angry, helpless dying lonely old man.  These are his very words.  I asked if I could pray for him and he got annoyed and said he did not believe in God.  I told him that I respected what he has chosen to believe.   Inside I felt very sad.  He is a prisoner of his own negative emotions. 

After a cheerful visit with Freda I returned home.  The trouble is she never wants me to leave.

Dad and Oliver were having a good chat happy that the battery had been removed from the bike and will be recharged and put it to-morrow.  We went to the Green Lettuce and then Oliver went to visit Johnathon.

Karen Armstrong explains some of the history and wisdom of the past and says; "Properly understood the rites were a spiritual education that enabled people to transcend their own limitations of selfishness.  Confucius reinterpreted this: when people are treated with reverence, they become conscious of their own sacred worth.  Then they  could express respect and dignity to others with compassion.

To-morrow I will go to the church early, so I am writing this now, to help put things out for the big sale.  Our first sales at the church were clothing sales and we hung up rakes and rakes of clothes. I remember how people would be lined up at the door waiting to get in.  There were not stores like Value Village back in those days.

This year we are having a smaller sale without any big furniture items.  I  do not know if there will be garden plants but there will be books.  It is a fun time but also tiring.

The heavy rain has stopped, the birds are singing and I am hungry for breakfast and will have a short walk.


Anonymous said...

Say hi to Oliver for me.

It is easy to get trapped inside negative emotions.



PS won't have computer over the weekend so don't be surprised if no comments from me for a few days.

beth bennett said...

Nothing surprises me. like where did my picture of Oliver go?

beth bennett said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Oliver !,