Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was thinking how easy it is for me to get caught up in my small little world.

I am trying to clean out stuff and put it in different bags, some for the church garage sale, some just to be thrown away and some for the second hand store.  I find it hard to make decisions.  I hope things go better for you at work Ken, you must have a lot to learn and it is tough when others are complaining.
Sounds like you enjoyed the birthday.  Some things start to get easier as the children get bigger and can do more on their own.

Turned out to be a nice sunny day today and it was good to get a few things done in the yard.  I find that all joking aside I am more worried about falling both outside and when I get up at night.  I just have to be a little more careful.

Well Sandra it looks like a small group for Easter.  Too bad everyone is so far away.  Do you still want to do it?  I am sure Ben and Morgan will have a great time at Mikie's parents.  Seems like a lot of work for just a few.  Sounds like you are tired too.  But I do look forward to it if you feel up tp it.

Off visiting today.  Dad had a walk yesterday and a meeting last night,

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