Thursday, April 19, 2012


What a special evening last night having Mary and Michael John join us to watch the Canucks win their do or die game.  We had a visit as well as just telling the players what to do. 

This morning I hear the birds up and awake and wonder if they will build their nest in our little bird house out at the back.

 I walk by myself which is good too.  As my friend Gundy end another walk together she tells me that I have been an inspiration to her and how very much she appreciates our walking together. It is good to have some one to talk with and enjoy all flowers and trees that are now blooming and listened to her story about her life and some of her strange relatives.  Good for a laugh.

Over the years I have had many good friends to walk with me and inspire me.  There was Jane, and Reg Barry and his wife, Janet, Liz and her hubby, Cindy my Korean neighbor who was very sad at the death of her mother.  Many steps and many good friendships.

There have been walks with Sandra and the dogs and Rick and Kenny when they come to visit.  Even though dad was having pain in his feet he went on a bike ride into the forest, this is a first for him.

There was an article shared at U.C. U.C.W. about taking time to walk and talk with others.  I am so thankful that I can do this, each step a blessing.

In Karen Armstrong's book on compassion she suggests reading the whole book and then return to work on step one.  Each step will build on the disciplines practiced and the habits acquired in those that have gone before.   The effect will be cumulative.  There will not be an instant transformation because it takes time to reorient our minds and hearts.  Hopefully each step will help us see the world in a new light.

As we continue to grow and learn new things about ourselves and the world we then realize the next step along the road is up to us to take. 

We step out of the ancient myths and stories to find our own way to love and to be loved.


Anonymous said...

There are headphones you can buy for the TV. That way you can have volume up for those that are actually watching (via the headphones) but for everyone else the "normal" sound can be low or even off.

I have these headphones and use them sometimes, especially if watching tv (or listening to radio) late at night or early morning.



Anonymous said...

Yes, I am very happy that you taught me the pleasures of walking mom. I remember us walking down Colebrook Road with the dogs, and children in strollers. I am not sure which I enjoy more, walking alone or with someone. Each is special in its own way. Sandra

Anonymous said...

We walk with Matty and Jas.They stop and pick flowers and look for hippo's in the creeks.Matty now rides his scooter as well.
Only 15 more win wins and the cup is ours.