Sunday, April 22, 2012


Some of my plants have survived the wet winter season and are now in full bloom.  It does my heart good to see how beautiful they look.  Others look like dead dried up sticks that I am waiting for them to show some life.  I have the urge to continually move things around and dig up some overgrown daises plants.  Working outside is enjoyable when I can do what I want to do; but digging takes strength.

No matter where we are in life or what we believe we have to become over comers.  To use what gifts we have been given and then as we grow older learn some new skills which do not require the strength and energy and intelligence of when we were younger.   Accept that growing older means accepting what we can and cannot do anymore.  I had to laugh as the author of a mystery I am reading describes a dumpy person and I think Oh that sounds like me.

Detective Superintendent Wycliffe walks with his son on a windy beach and confesses there is a lot he does not like about being a detective, but to do a good job he has to look at the darker side of life, warped, twisted and ugly.  Yes,  he would have rather been a concert pianist but he is not.  If we are fortunate to have a job we really like then we are really blessed.  Happy people make those around them happy.

The truth may be that good can sometimes come out of tragedy and force changes.

Armstrong talks about how Judaism was changed when the Romans destroyed their temple and then their religion became one of the book.  "A rabbi would be expected to find fresh meaning in the scripture, which as the word of God, was infinite and could not be tied down to a single interpretation."

There was even a story about a famous rabbi who said atonement would now be in the doing of loving deeds, acts of compassion, referring to the scripture "I desire love and not sacrifice".

"Practically expressed compassion was now a priestly act that would atone for sins more effectively than temple sacrifices."  There are days when we feel let down and miserable and yet if we keep up the good fight we have the promise of becoming over comers.

Dad follow me over to the church and was soon put to work taking in the money. 
 Had pain everywhere when he came home.

Oliver has left for Victoria so just a short visit.

The question now is can Alex Burrows, Ryan Kesler and Matt Lapiere; a second forward unit, play it straight and help the Canuck's win and become over comers.?


nancy-Lou said...

What a pretty shrub or plant in your first pic. Do you know the name of it Beth? I find Karen Armstrong not an easy read, but really interesting! So I go slowly. I read e books mainly, first on my Amazon Kindle and now on my i pad as well.
BUT the price of E-books is going up...I think they "suckered" us at first with really cheap prices! I don't care though, as long as the author gets what they should. Hope you and Larry are feeling good today and have a nice day. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy, Larry and I have had a good day today. Went to church and then out for lunch with Sandra and Randy. We had invited friends from church who have been buying me cookies from a new bakery in town; but the husband was not well.
I am on the first chapter of Karen's book so I go very slow too. I have learned some new things that are always helpful.
The flowers I took on my walk and I do not know what they are. I really do not know that much about flowers, Sandra knows more.
So now we are watching hockey and it is a 1 1 so very exciting.
Now I will return and watch the over-time. Love Beth

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - it wasn't to be for the Canucks, at least not this year.

I'll call you and Dad on Monday night to confirm plans for the airport on Tuesday.

