Monday, April 9, 2012


This flower is called Orange Star.

Too busy making breakfast for Ben and Morgan who slept over.

Pleasr comment on your Easter Day.  We had great fun at Sandra's..

Sandra's cake pops the star of the evenning.


Anonymous said...

My Easter was very quiet.

Although there was a grass-fire in the neighbourhood that had me worried for a bit. But the fire dept showed up and all was fine.



nancy-Lou said...

Those cake pops look good! We had a 'CRACKIN" good Easter, the kids and family visit all the relatives homes with a crate of hard boiled eggs they all coloured. They have good fun cracking eggs with everyone..if your egg breaks both loose and believe me I sure don't want to win too many and have to eat them for weeks! It is a tradition that was brought from Lebanon by the Ateah grandparents in 1898. Tradition lives on! I made turkey supper for 6. Today is leftovers and they are the best. No time for church,too much visiting and cooking. We had a great time catching up on the news and seeing how much the nieces and nephews have grown.

Anonymous said...

I worked early shift. Melina and the kids stayed overnight at Nonnas house. The easter bunny left them chocolates overnight. When I got home we had late lunch , 4pm, pasta forno ( means baked pasta). Then the kids did a egg hunt. We had foccia with meats and cheese for a light dinner . The weather tuned cold and we had the fire on. Baby Serena came as well .