Friday, April 6, 2012


A lovely morning for a walk.

Came home to the news we were meeting Jane and Geof, just back from Mexico. for breakfast special at Zeller's.  They had really enjoyed their trip!  They are catching their breath then off to England.  I know it is good to do these things while you can.  Any little bit of sun shine we have hear is very appreciated.  Even though it has been cold the cherry blossoms are coming out all along our streets.

Came home to get ready for my visit to the Care Home not sure what to expect.  Jim had made it clear he did not want any visits and Freda was still in Laurel Place further down the road with pay parking etc.  I was deciding as I drove that I would not make the extra trip although I really want to have a visit and see how Freda was doing.

First I went up-stairs to see Jim and he was fast asleep in his chair and did not respond and I know he does not like to be caught sleeping because he really never sleeps.  When I joined the group at their activities I was so surprised to hear my name called and it was Freda back again. That was a good surprise and she was looking so well even after having broke her hip. I took her to her room where we had a good long visit.

I was walking by the elevator when Jim walking very painfully came out.  He was very glad to see me and told me about a fall he had in his room during the night.  I walked to his chair with him and we talked awhile and I was going to leave when He asked me to sit down and visit.  What a surprise.  Poor old fellow he is having a hard time.

As I was leaving a young girl working there stopped to talk to me.  When said she hoped I would have a good Eater seek-end and I said I was looking forward to going to our daughter's place and seeing our granddaughter, her hubby and children.  I just happened to mention they live in Chilliwack and I miss seeing them as much as I would like.  She asked how old the children were and I said Morgan and right away she said I know you are Theresa's grandmother.  Her name is Jenifer and she went to school with Theresa and Kim.  Small world.  Another surprise!

Today after my walk I will be going to Good Friday Service with Jane.  It is a day when we confront not only death, the most painful mystery of all, but the death of the life of Jesus on a cruel cross.  A common form of execution at that time.  I am aware of how very fragile life is for all of us.

Up to this point in Mark's gospel Jesus has always been in complete control.  Nothing seemed to have surprised him.  But now as he prays he is in deep distress and overcome with sorrow.

"My soul is overwhelmed to the point of death"/

"Take this cup from me."

  Ezekiel 23:32 speaks of the cup of desolation and ruin. 

I want to think of a loving God and yet here we see his anger at injustice and suffering which falls upon Jesus now.  When you care you feel anger.  God's anger was being expressed in allowing the suffering death of Jesus. 

"Turn God's wrath into mere enlightened, disapproval and you turn his love into mere humanitarianism."
In moments of deepest pain it is human to take our hurt out on others.  Jesus does not do this but takes upon himself all our pain in obedience believing that good will live on and greater things will be done after he has died.

The sacredness of all life and especially memories!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a small world!



beth bennett said...

Yes and that one one of your smaller comments. Hope you are feeling better and better. Teeth can be a misery.
Talk to you later.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Have a nice day.