Monday, April 30, 2012


Dinner with Sandra and Randy.  Everything tasted as good as it looked.

Lying awake all night I could hear the heavy rain falling and it is still this morning.

Yesterday morning I went out for a very early walk.  I took my camera along just in case something caught my eye.  Sure enough soon I was knelling beside the road to take a picture and may have appeared to be praying.

Next  I sat crossed legged before a flower and it could appear to be a yoga pose.

Then  I picked up a beer can and spilled it all over me.  Yuk!  Then there was a wine bottle as as I bent to pick it up I felt a little dizzy and I thought if I fell the evidence would incriminate me as a drunken woman.  lol

So appearances can be deceiving.  Like this plant I do not know if it is a weed or a flower so I will leave it im my garden and wait to see what it does.

I am reminded not to judge by outward appearances but to look for the heart instead.


Anonymous said...

True, Mom, sometimes you can't judge things by their surface appearances.

Hope you are going to get a refund on the wine bottle!



Anonymous said...

Kind of makes you have to look closer and question what you are actually seeing or hearing your self. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Well, I am laughing at you again Beth! Beer smelling clothes, grasping a beer bottle and wine bottle and staggering with dizziness,probably about 5AM, I am beginning to think you are leading a double life!Larry, you must keep a better eye on her! Love to you funny friend, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I think the weed/flower is doing it! Attracting insects. On early shifts for 5 days. There are heaps of people sleeping on the floor in the terminal when I arrive at 3am.Some are well prepared with blow up mattreses and such. Some just lie out on the hard tiles. I try and walk quietly with my coffee as i walk up to the top floor and my lofty pearch looking out at the cold and wet runways.