Sunday, April 8, 2012


                                 There is a world of love and beauty waiting for us to discover.

Lots of excited children will be looking for hidden eggs.  Plans for Hoppy here are Theresa will drop the children off here and go to Sandra and Randy's to hide eggs.  Ben and Morgan will already have had a fun time at Grandpa and Grandma Robbie's.  Then we will arrive with the two egg hunters later.

Kenny is at work so will miss the first visit of the Easter bunny at their house but will be home for the second. 

Happy Easter to all!

All things bright and beautiful the Lord God made them all!

The gospels present a powerful message of the teachings of Jesus that changed the lives of all those who listened and walked with him.  His teachings lives on as does his love and reverence for all of life.

For me God is known through Jesus and I am thankful for the rich blessings of faith.

He is the bread of life, the source of joy and the light of truth.  The happy ending of the historical resurrection overwhelms the soul and is so enormous that even the sorrow of the cross is forgotten.

Their is proof when one realizes that the site of the tomb was known to Christians, Jews and Roman authorities. Any story that was only fiction would not have passed the test of time.

While it is true that mythology has distorted some of the facts of the life of Jesus the appearances that were made after his resurrection have been well authenticated.  The fact that a group of frightened men deserters and cowards were transformed into men of great faith who lived to tell of their experiences of Jesus. 

Who would be willing to die for a lie?

As a child we never hunted for Easter eggs especially during the war years and for a time after chocolate was very hard to get.  I was delighted with a small Easter bunny or an egg decorated with flowers.  Easter morning was a time you put on your best clothes, colorful and pretty.  Mom would come and help me dress and do my hair in ringlets.  It was a happy morning and we looked forward to a special Easter dinner which usually was ham and a special desert.

Saturday has been a hard day working in the garden.  Dad got me some mushroom fertilizer and some dirt to spread around.  A lot of work has to be done. 

Dad enjoys a little drink of wine after we eat a late lunch on our front deck.  Kim made that table for me when I was in the hospital having my lung surgery.  We treasure many of the gifts and memories from you all.

Proverbs2:3-5 speeks of searching our hidden treasure and that is what we are doing as we live one day at a time.  All of us are searching and looking for an awesome presence of good in this world.
Hope Rick is finally feeling better from that miserable tooth and sinus and check infection!
Ordinary life has been redeemed and we look forward to a day when the touch of Jesus
 will be real and his hug will take away all our pain because of the  resurrection!

The scars of Jesus produce healing for all that have been scared and deeply hurt in this life.
 There is room for doubters at the foot of the cross.


Shandel said...

WOW!! Kim made that table, what talent she has. its gorgeous. i commented on your photo on FB. I just love it. Glad that the children will come by for an egg hunt. I can tell that Sandra is excited! :D hope you all have a wonderful day and we look forward to seeing photos. We are having ham and scalp potatoes tonight with some veggies. and i am going to make a homemade banana cake with cream cheese frosting. MMMMMM going to the gym this morning hahaha in preparation to eat it all! haha
Have a Happy Easter and much love to all of you guys XOXOX

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to drop by after Randy left for work but tackled the cake pops instead which turned into a disaster...why do things look so easy to do in pictures. Oh well. The sun is shining and it is a good day! Happy Easter mom and dad. Sandra

Anonymous said...

"Who would die for a lie?". Well, unfortunately, quite a few. At least 50% in most wars, for one example.

