Monday, April 2, 2012


Walking hand in hand is nice!

Dad was feeling much better after I goy home from church yesterday.  We had a grat lunch and visit with Randy and Sandra and all our ancestors!  Randy is now into finding his lost relations and has been very successful.  Dad is still looking through old referrences.

After it was so warm and sunny we went for a short walk.,  not through the park but just to our little park near by.  His hip joined his feet in making the walk painful.  I was tired and ready for a nap anyway.  I knew we would be out later with our book discussion group.

Compassion was the  topic for last night's book discussion.  Actually we are using Douglas Todd as a reference and he is using Karen  Armstrong as a reference, who has writen a book called "Compassion In Twelve Steps"

We decided we live in a world that can be very uncompassionate.
I think compassion is right up there with patience which is a rare moment in my life.

I get soooo annoyed with people who throw their garbage along our walkway to the store so one day armed with a big bag I picked it up; just because it annoyed me.  This is the bag full I came home with.  So far it has stayed tidy I think if one person sees garbage they just all think they can do it..

We know that teaching children compassion at a very young age and continue to try and live it, is very needed in our world today.

Compassion comes with security and security comes with knowing we are loved.  It is important to be compassionate with each other and share what causes us pain.  It is a gift that we can develop especially if we are willing to be open and not have to be  right.  This is hard for us all!

Religion has to try to be respectful and understanding of other beliefs so that their is hope for compassion in our world.

Today we go to a funeral together and after we will decide what next.


Anonymous said...

Randy and I had a nice drive down to Blaine, but when we got there he post office was closed, so we just went to Fred Myer and got the gluten free cake mix for Easter.
Home in plenty of time for Randy to do a couple of more laps with his race car. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I hope you wear gloves when you pick up the rubbish.