Friday, April 13, 2012


                                             Everywhere Morgan went the cat went too!

Every rock and tree Ben had to climb.

Everywhere I look around the house I see photo's and ornaments and a collection of things that bring back memories, it is like looking back in time.    It is hard to think of getting rid of anything but the hardest will be going through cards and letters and my writing books which seem to be a part of my identity.

Everywhere life seems to pose questions that have no definite answers, but I feel that everything should be open to questions.  We first learn by listening to what our parents are discussing and conversation is an important part of growing and learning. 

 "And it is by joining the conversation that we become who we are."  -Hugh Hood Canadian novelist.

 This happens as we continue the dialogue in our own minds.  It is good to be thoughtful but at times our minds, or I should say I find my mind makes too much noise.  Especially when I want to make a decision.  Conversation is very important of which fact we can become aware of when we get lost in thought and some one says a penny for your thoughts.

Everywhere things are changing in the world around us and even within us.

Where did Morgan disappear to?


Anonymous said...

In the long run, we all fade into history, and history is just documents, papers, photographs and so on.

I suppose, then, as you look around at your belongings you are looking at this history of your life.



Anonymous said...

In most Indian religions, life is not considered to begin with birth and end in death, but as a continuous existence in the present lifetime of the organism and extending beyond. The nature of the actions (karma) committed during the course of each lifetime, (good or ill) determines the future destiny of each being. Samsara is closely linked with the idea of rebirth (or reincarnation), but mainly refers to the condition of life, and the experience of life."

I was reminded of Karma Samsara as you were talking about memories and life.

Quote from Wikipedia

larry bennett said...

Dad had a long tiring day visiting Kay Kennedy, nearly 4 hours. Do hope some good has been done to help the pain in his kneck. He will not go there again.
love mom

Anonymous said...

He was lucky to get in at all. Most worthy physicians take weeks to get an appointment. I have to wait another two weeks to see the dentist.