Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Traditionally we always used to color Easter eggs and Theresa carried on this tradition at her home.

Our church service was full with lots of happy children taking part.

Morgan was extremely happy to sleep over at Granie's house.

Ben helps cut the grass and Morgan helps mixing dirt.

Morgan has great fun finding lady buds and there are a lot in our garden.  We took one over to Auntie Sandra's in cae she was short.  Meanwhile Ben played hockey on the driveway.  Then we were off to the Watershed forest where dad showed them some of his favorite places.  We took along a light lunch which dad carryed on his new pack sack on his back.  The Children climbed big rocks and went down the bike steep stairs.

This is very high and steep.  Morgan was game to try it too but we said no way,

There were very hilarious moments and then moments of hurt knees and hurt feelings.  Both a part of life.  We enjoyed a traditional dinner at Sandra;s ham and scalloped potatoes and a new beens and tomatoes which were very good.  too bad Randy had to work.  too bad there were not more of us but all who were there enjoyed a wonderful feast. 

Grandpa and Ben lead the way home.

grannie has a rest!


Anonymous said...

Lots of good pictures Mom. Looks like a good time was had by all, even the lady-bugs!

I love ham and scalloped potatoes, so its too bad I missed the dinner at Sandra's.

Had a bit of difficult day yesterday, but feeling better this morning. Back to work today.



Anonymous said...

It was a very nice day yesterday, and perfect weather. Hopefully it is just as nice on Sunday when Mary and Michael John are running. Though Mary hurt her foot on the weekend so not sure if she should. Mary was calling you yesterday, she is working today but am sure she will try again later on. Sandra

Anonymous said...

We had a very Happy Easter celebration last night 14 of us sat down to the traditional meal enlivened by story telling and laughter. Elizabeth had made a delicious pavlova for desert. Kiera made salad and Sam did appysl really appreciated the help. Sounds as if you had a very busy Easter monday enjoying a day with Ben and Morgan. love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Great pics again Beth. You have a natural gift for taking interesting pictures. Often of things others might walk right past...or from different angles, most would not see. The kids are so cute. We had lots of family here too and I should have taken pictures...next time for sure. We have a white world this morning...and it is still snowing. Lake Winnipeg lost it's ice a month early, and with the north west wind we are having streamers coming off the lake due to the low temperature -13 and moisture in the air. Winter is back.

beth bennett said...

I was just saying to dad how disappointed I was with my pictures. So thanks Nancy-Lou for compiments.

It seems c ooler this morning because I am expecting it to be warm,

Thanks Jane for the pictures on the e-mail. Absolutely amazing, cute and funny.

love Beth

larry bennett said...