Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Wild flowers that grow along my path.  They had a lovely perfume so may pick a few today to put in the little bath room.

In the past there have been days when you had to be quick to accomplish all the things you had to do each day.  Now our decisions are made slowly and are always changeable and not always doable. 
My walking has slowed and the distanced shortened and people hasten by me now.  My jogger friend who passes me each day is always encouraging me to keep it up.

I leave trails around the house of books, scribblers, pens and pencils and now dirt is added to the trail; if I don't carry things with me I wind up going up and down stairs every time I want to check on something or decide to read a mystery instead of a serious book.

Yesterday we had a visit from Cathy who has been accepted into the Master's program at Trinity.  She is only taking one course at a time so it will take her several years.

Rick phoned to see if he can leave his car here and have us drive him into the airport.

According to Karen Armstrong God told Mohammad, "Do not approach the Qur'an in haste, ere it has been revealed to thee in full."  I think that is reading scripture we should not come to hasty conclusions or take verses out of context.  There is a lot in scripture that talks about mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness courtesy, forbearance and love.

Jesus' ministry was one of healing which speaks again of the compassion of God/


beth bennett said...

Everything has changed and I cannot edit and I do not have time to figure this all out.

I want to have a walk before Rick arrives.

love mom

Anonymous said...

your picture today reminds me of the delight l took as a child in the wild flowers that grew all around in field woodland and hedge rows . Jane.

Anonymous said...

So in your haste you are leaving your blog unedited? There are lots of nice smells right now, sometimes it is hard to pinpoint just what plant they are coming from. Was at Home Depot till 8:00 last night returning bricks, very hungry and tired by the time we got home. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Where is Rick going ? My work mates brother is playing for Ottawa theses playoffs. His first game yesterday , his name is Jacob Silferburg. So I will now be going for the Senators