Saturday, April 14, 2012


Work around the house day for me.

I like our home because it feels comfortable and I enjoy the morning sunshine in our living room.
This is where so much of my own story is unfolding.  Curled up on this chesterfield I have dreamed many dreams as I gazed out the window.  I feel protected here and able to dream in peace.  Being happy where you are at the present moment is very important to our psyche. 

I have added a few of my personal touches to the computer room where I go first thing in the morning.  This continues my journal writings from years past.  I got out some of my old journals and I included a lot of scripture in my writings along with my prayer for the day.

I love the thing on T.V. about the children making houses out of the cushions from the chesterfield.  That was great fun and reveals that children like to create their own cozy space.  That was not something I was allowed to do as a child; but we had a sun room at the front of the house where I would love to sit and imagine all sorts of stories, especially about having a dog one day. 

I also liked to sit on our front steps and just sit and wonder.  I shared a bedroom with my brother until I was about 6.  Then it became my room and I had my aunt's big brass bed to sleep in.  I remember how exciting that was.  I was expected to keep my room tidy and I did.

Today I have been busy doing things in the house and also in the garden.  My legs and hip are a bit achy now but I feel good about what I got done.  I did well with the amount of energy I had and a afternoon nap.

Early morning in the garden.  Every sunny day is a real blessing. Now I am going to let the sun and rain work it's magic on my garden.

Poor dad was stuck in Kay Kennedy's office for 3 and 1/2 hours waiting to get his neck manipulated.  He was very unhappy with the very long time it took.  He actually saw Kay for about 5 minutes.  We just hope and pray it did some good.  His plans for coffee with his friend Don did not work out.  He was more than ready to come home.  We enjoyed relaxing and eating on our front porch.  So pleased that dad made that.

Today Sandra and Randy go to see "Cats" lucky dogs.  Dad and I pick up Mary and Michael John from the airport and we will meet somewhere, undecided as of this morning for a late lunch early supper.  M And M are going in the sun run to-morrow.  I am glad I did it years ago when I did it with Sandra and Mary.

I think the Canucks are going to win there next two games!


Anonymous said...

It is good to have a place where you feel safe and secure.

I hope you are right about the Canucks, but ...



Anonymous said...

Carol and I went to a going-away party for our neighbours Todd and Lyndsey and Kim was there too. I watched most of the game on the TV above the bar...I think Grandma might need to add the Canucks to her morning prayers!


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how some of the traits we show very early in life continue and develop as we grow into adulthood. Wasn't the weather fabulous yesterday!
love, Jane

Anonymous said...

I think the Canucks can do it. But I think that the kings are playing well . I think almost any team that has made the playoffs this year can win the cup,