Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A few little leaves hang on to the branches and there is a feeling of sadness as the beauty of this huge tree now looks lonely and bare.  This was a picture taken in the fall.

We were all feeling very tired as Mary and Michael John came to help us get rid of some broken and weary furniture.  Everything had memories and when it actually came time to say okay we will give that away it was sad.  They worked very hard and very quickly and the word was "O Grama you don't want that do you".  Some things I said okay and I agreed but dad was a definite no but several things.
Dad and I appreciated their help so very much and enjoyed our visit with them even more.
The best he stuff will go to a good will store to be re-used so that is some consolation.

I wake up at 5 wether it is light or dark and wish I could sleep into 7 but on the other hand you can get a lot down when you are awake!

Dad and I are driving Pat and John to the airport today and Oliver should be arriving any day now.

I am reading Karen Armstrong's book on Compassion.  I think she makes a good point when she says "We need inspiration and motivation that reach a level of the mind that is deeper than purely rational and touch the emotions rooted in the limbric region of the brain."

Rational thought is sometimes hard to explain and why we feel the way we do can be a mystery even to ourselves.  The belief in God gives me a sense of awe and reverence for life that is like how we experience beauty in nature and love in our family.  Even when we feel weary!

The flowering trees our out in bloom the other trees are very slow.


Anonymous said...

well, now that all the stuff is gone you wanted to get rid of you can relax and not have to be moving it around all the time. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Good for you....recycling is the way to go..and the way I need to go too!
I am on a mission to de-clutter too and find it is hard to part with things that carry memories. BUT they have to go. What happens after is I suddenly have a need for the "whatever" and then oh oh it went to the Sally Ann. It likely sat there for years and I never needed it.
I was surprised to see thatsome of the trees still have bare branches...we are having an extremely early sprig...the ice left lake Winnipeg a month early and may trees have buds. The tulips are up a couple of inches. Sure hope we don't get a frost.
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good for you getting the de-cluttering done. Are you sending some of the stuff to Colebrook for the yard sale on Saturday? l am hoping to get Geof and Samantha to help me do some sorting out . Never a fun job. l have been under the weather for the last couple of days with a recurrence of my usual problem,However it is easing up today Thank goodness. ! Cheers , Jane

Anonymous said...

Good for you , less is more !