Sunday, November 2, 2014


It was amazing to wake up in the morning to a calmness and stillness outside with no fire crackers and inside Haiti happily asleep but soon ready for a walk to the park.

There was a calmness as the three of us friends sat around to discuss problems and find solutions.  I know I felt better afterwards.  I believe that we can bless each other even more powerfully as we age and share experiences.

Later I was thankful that Carol and Panteli were visiting us when the vitamin pill I gave dad got caught in his throat and he started coughing.  Carol very quickly started slapping him on the back and he recovered gradually.  It was a very frightening experience.

There is an ancient ritual from Tibet where each morning you take a bowl and slowly fill it with water.  Doubtless, this ritual would have in mind a high mountain stream.  As you fill it you take time to reflect on those good things in your life, remembering the strengths and skills that you have and are continuing to develop.  Calmly you breath in healing and peace.

In the evening you take the bowl outside and pour out the water you have had sitting there all day and let it nourish the earth.  This can be a real practice or just a meditation in your mind.  At the beginning of the day you are willing to take on what the day will open up for you and at night you let go and rest.

During the day I need to remember the calmness of the morning and at evening I remember to be thankful for living that day.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, very calm here this morning too.

Dad seems to choke on things a fair bit. I wonder why?



Sandra said...

Darn pills, some of them can be so big. That is good that Carol was there. I put off my walk yesterday until almost 8:00 but it was still very quiet, everyone sleeping off the chocolate bars I guess. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Everything changes as we get older even our ability to swallow.
So it needs to be done carefully.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Gosh, that must have been scary...good thing Carol was there to help.

Beth you and your family should learn the Heimleck maneuver...not sure how the spelling is...but basically you learn how to put your arms around the person choking and make a fist and press hard just below their ribs....I learned it in a first aid class that was given at the Seniors..along with CPR. I am going to ask for another first aid course for seniors has been a few years now. We all need to be prepared. I actually used the Heimleck thing once. Your public health nurse would show you or St John's Ambulance.

Yes, some of those pills are actually "horse pills" as far as I am concerned!

That was a wonderful story about slowly filling the bowl in the morning with all those good things.

Are you watching the Grand Slam curling? We are all set for the men's final at 2pm...McKuen from Winnipeg plays Brad Gushu.

I hope Larry is all over the choking incident now and feeling good.

Have a blessed Sunday,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yes he is doing well. Sandra mentioned that as well.

Kim has asked her friend over for supper.

I eat very slowly now and have done so for a few years especially when others are around and I want to join in the conversation.

Bless you back.

love beth