Saturday, November 15, 2014


My day began with a walk through the park again looking for more pictures to take.  Seeing blue skies and sunshine sure helps me to get moving.  Later it was working in the yard raking leaves while dad cut the lawn and put things away in the shed.

Later we drove in to see the hard working new home owners at work ripping up carpets and tearing down wall paper.  They have lots of wonderful plans but already have discovered things they had not counted on.  Oliver came over on the ferry and will be a great help.  The fact that he owns a truck is a bonus.

Sandra came to have her first look at the place and then the three of us took Carol out to the White Spot for a late lunch or early supper. 

PB140747Going back to my brain book I am reminded that it is important to engage in brain-healthy habits.  We have been a lot to be healthier like eating lots of good vegetables but dad and I both still crave sugar so that is something we need to work on.  Now that I am having a high protein breakfast and doing my walk every morning at least I start the day out right.  I still need to work on life changing insights that help me to have a clearer vision for the day's stresses.
One important thing is to be less reactive and more honest.  Dad was annoyed at the way I have been keeping tack of our appointments and I realize he was right but could have been a little more patient as he explain why his way is so much better.
I want to have a better brain and I know that over coming negative thoughts especially about things I need to change is a beginning.
Yes I do want to be healthier, feel happy and content so I can then make better choices and decisions.
To do this it is important for me to nurture my strengths and protect against vulnerabilities that would rob me of the vision of who I am and am still in the process of becoming!
On that note I will get the room ready for Oliver to stay the night.  Dad will be pleased to have some one to watch hockey with.


Sandra said...

I read a really interesting way to over come negative thoughts, I will have to see if i can find it again.

Basically you animate your negative thought in a overdone manner. Then you do the same with the thought you want to replace it with and practice imaging them together.

So, I am afraid of spiders becomes a giant spider the size of a siber tooth tiger with a tiny little you in its web, followed by a tiny little spider hiding in the corner shaking while you shadow looms over it.

I tried it just half heartedly yesterday and I was surprised at how quickly the two images could be joined.


nancy-Lou said...

Now that is a good idea...visualizing your negative and positive thoughts...and letting the positive thoughts win! Thanks Sandra!

Your pictures of the park are full of lights and shadows..I like how the light slices can tell it is early morning.

That is nice of Oliver to come over and help out with the new home.....I know you will enjoy having him stay with you and catching up on all he is doing in the coast guard.

Today is a teaching day...piano lessons this morning and art this afternoon with my friend.

One can tell it is a blustery day, without going outdoors because the bluejays ( all 9 of them) are fluffed up and really hungry. They grabbed all the peanuts in the peanut ring in about 4 minutes....once the flurry is over the smaller birds come.

We have the cutest little deer mouse who comes at night and sits on the tray on the window giving us a front row seat to observe him.....he is brown with a white tummy and paper thin little pink ears...soooo cute. Nature is God's gift. Truly amazing.

I am thinking of writing a blog about daily life, here at VB. Mostly pertaining to weather and nature...with are inspiring me, Beth!

AND it is another wonderful day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I think you should Nancy. I love the way you write about nature and the pictures you have put on face book.

Dad is taking Kim's car to get brakes down and she is catching up on laundry etc. Oliver left early to help.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you for your encouragement, Beth...I could never come to close to the excellent writing you do....but I think there are some summer cottagers who would like to read a blog, with pictures and nature notes.

Good for Larry taking Kim's car in for brakes..always better for a man to do it!
Somehow, Us ladies seem to be taken to the cleaners. We have an honest chap who runs the local garage, but unfortunately he had a stroke recently. His son and wife are running the garage along with his help.

Love, Nancy