Saturday, November 15, 2014


I left them busy working away in their new home.  Oliver had arrived and helped removed the old moldy frig. and lots of carpets and took them to the dump.  It is great that he has a small dump truck.
There is a lot of work to be done so not feeling I would be much help I went for a walk.  


This is the view from the very high top floor.

This is the bottom looking up.
PB140766This is a little stream I found but the picture is not too good.  It has been busy here so I will take a few days of grace.
Had to read up about the candidates we were going over to vote on. 



Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, sounds like Oliver would be a big help!

I was reading something yesterday that pointed out that Paul wrote his letters before the 4 Gospels were actually established and that he, Paul, may have known less about Jesus than we do.

If you had a small present for Lucas, I could take that with me. I will be leaving for Ottawa from Vancouver on Monday Dec 8th and probably come down on the Sunday before and do a little visiting. I will go to Trinidad after I am finished with work.



Steady-as-rain said...
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nancy-Lou said...

Walking....walking allows us to see the little things that others may miss and you "have the eye" for those interesting places, like the little stream amongst the backdrop of the urban area. A happy surprise, as I like to tell my art students!

Nice pics too...of Carol and Panteli's new looks to be interesting with the lofty design and skylights. Are they going to do all the work before they move in? Makes it so much easier.

What a great family you have...all working together to help each other...

My friend Susan and I had a lovely afternoon painting together. She is an abstract artist and loves bright art had a bit of a hiatus and has evolved to my first love watercolours. I have painted four floral watercolours in the last couple of weeks...all have a touch of gold leaf. There are more to come!

It is a blustery day today....with snow falling, very pretty. I am going to take some pics of the lake later on...freezing. With the wind it creates some interesting ice on bushes and rocks.

It is another wonderful day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

By the way, Ranu is on Skype:


Anonymous said...

Hope your not watching the lions game. When do they plan on moving in ?

beth bennett said...

Yes dad is watching the lions game not much to cheer about.
Michael John will be happy.

I think they move in in Jan. they hope to get it all fixed up.

Yes we would like to send something for Lucus. Any ideas?

Dad had a cold with a very drippy running nose. I went to church but he will not go to Sandra's for supper neither will I. I have a headache.

Kim took them in a huge lunch and is making a big supper and I know it will be fun but no fun for dad home alone.

I love gold leaf should be lovely Nancy you have the gift of painting and music. Way to go!

love mom