Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I enjoy the clear days in between the rain.

I enjoy the in between time waking up in the morning when  all is darkness listening to hear if it is raining or not glad to snuggle down under the warm comforter for a moment or two.  The time between waking up and getting up

It is a good feeling to feel safe and loved to start the day.

Between the darkness and the light that gradually dawns.

Between the fast walkers and the slow walkers,  thankful I can walk.

Between the silence of the morning it's quiet prayer and the talkative day ahead.

Between the time of waiting at the eye doctor's and the time I will be driving home.  I want to take a blind fold along to make sure my driving will not be questioned.

But my plan was foiled  as dad was able to drive.  The treatment went well and after we had a bite to eat at Milestones we head home.  Yes, it is now all over.

Between the traditionalists and the modernists at my church.  I grew up loving going to church and sitting with my parents and feeling a part of a very special community.  My two best friends Lynn and Maxine were in my Sunday school and a very important part of my life.  Lynn would move away to North Battle ford  and I would go on the train to visit her because my dad had a pass.  Later she would move back to Saskatoon but we would attend different schools.

Between impatience and patience learning the lesson time and time again.  They say things happen in your life again and again until you have learn the lesson.

In Between a Catholic and a Protestant there is friendship and faith.  This morning I wait for Lily to pick me up and we are off to our meeting.  I met Lily at the Senior's Home at a volunteer appreciation dinner.  We discovered that we lived close to one another and later that we had a mutual friend we visit together which is Gundy.   She mentioned she grew up in the slums of India and I was interested in hearing her story and I thought others would be too.


nancy-Lou said...

Well, you did it again! Made me laugh, first thing in the morning.....about the blindfold! It must be a senior thing, because it happens with us too!

In keeping with your theme of "between", we are between green grass and white snow. It is coming closer...and western Manitoba will be all white today. We escaped once again. Guess what? My pansies are still blooming. Even though overnight lows were down to -8. I love them and will be sorry to see their smiling faces gone.

Lily sounds like an interesting lady. I think you both have the gift of compassion, that makes for a good friendship. I have a dear friend who was born in India, who is a medical doctor...long retired now. She had to fight to be allowed to go to medical school...this would have been circa 1950 or so. She is the most wonderful lady...a strong Christian lady.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Randy was fixing the computer this morning so did not get a chance to comment. I broke down today and told Randy that I am lonely and I want him to stay home on the weekend. We will get the painting finished in the family room hopefully. Sandra