Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Very unusual for it to be sunny on remembrance day.  Dad and I had talked about going to a service but realizing that standing in the cold with aching feet and legs has gotten to be too hard.  We watch a bit of the ceremony from Ottawa while the children shop and cook and set the table for breakfast with lots of noisy enthusiasm.

Here are pictures of dad's brothers.  Cliff (27) and Wilfrid(33) very popular and athletic young men. Cliff died on a training mission over Newfoundland and Wilfrid was wounded in France and died in England.  He did write a few letters home and it breaks your heart to read them.  These two like many soldiers quietly marched off to war to do their duty enduring rotten conditions and seeing sights no human being should be forced to see or experience.

Ben has written a essay on the war and is going to send it to me.

Here they are as they bundle up for the very cold wind.  They are both looking so grown up and are such good helpers now.

I take time to write a few lines while they are out.  I have been given strict orders not to set anything up or do anything at all.  We thought of going to Chapters to be out of the way but here we are procrastinating in front of our computer screens.

Soon they will be home and we will be joined with Theresa and Mikie and Sandra and Randy.

Looking forward to gluten-fee pasta!

Oh here they are now.  I hear the car door slamming and they come in loaded with food and parcels!



Anonymous said...

Just finished watching the canucks game. Jasmine went toMing schoolMathis afternoon to meet her teacher for next year! She had fun.

Sandra said...

What is ming school? Yes, it was a very nice supper, it was good to get out of the house and away from my homework. I have not had my walk yet this morning, I hope the wind has died down. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

Good to remember those uncles of Dad's that were killed in the second World War.



beth bennett said...

Yes I do not feel like walking but I will do a short one,
It was fun having everyone over and not doing any work!
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

That is the best kind of party...not being allowed to do a thing! Very good pictures again, Beth. Ben is quite a character.....loves soccer, reading and games.I know I don't need to tell you, but you are so blessed with a large, loving family! AND it all started with you and Larry!

Winter has arrived to stay...we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground and it is stunningly beautiful. So a white, blue and grey palette for the next five months.

The birdfeeder is very busy this morning....I think we need an air traffic controller...how about it Larry! We have seven bluejays here and lots of chickadees, nuthatches,3 kinds of wood peckers and Magpies.

I will work in the studio, on my sketcherly pieces....a series of watercolour florals. Listen to Spotify.....what a great music site! My fav thing to do!

I hope your Bible study meeting is interesting and you have your questions done.

it is another great day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy