Saturday, November 8, 2014


Fall colors are still here and anything that is blooming must be strong and sturdy to with stand heavy rain and wind.

I find wisdom and strength as I read scripture which I focus my mind on certain verses.

One is "As a man thinketh in his heart so he is."
This is one of the interruptions of Proverbs :23:7.
This verse has been used in the writings of many people.

I think it relates to my brain books saying the same thing as they say.  Daniel G. Amen in his book "The Female Brain" gives a needed guide to understanding your unique brain and its strengths which include the positive and the negative.  For the female this includes the vulnerabilities of anxiety, depression and a tendency to worry.

PB040640Spending time with my two daughters I realize how difference we each are.  Carol and I do not appear to like make decisions while Sandra is better than either one of us.  When she came over I suggested we sit in the unused living room but she said no that would not be fair to Haiti as she likes to be with us and is so happy to see both Carol and Sandra and Panteli when they come for  a visit.
I do find reading scripture helps me understand my humanity.  I find it gives me energy and peace that often speaks into what I am worrying about!

"Renewing my faith in the goodness of others that enables me to know that I will have an inner strength to meet my challenges."  -Hardwiring Happiness

No book on the male brain but lots of books written by males that I think mostly women read.

Staying faithful to what I believe strengthens me!


Sandra said...

I really like the stormy picture with the train tracks in the foreground. I would not have thought making choices is one of my strengths, but I guess it depends on who I am getting compared to! Today one of my strengths will be taking directions from my husband? He says I am helping HIM paint, where as I think he should be helping ME. Well, as long as in the end the walls are all done and the furniture gets put back. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Taking Matthew to a tennis clinic this morning. Yesterday was very hot , then at 5pm we had a cool change. Turn almost cold as we took the kids out for dinner.

Anonymous said...

How did Matthew do? He is very little to play tennis isn't he.
Dad and I worked in yard and Kim shopped for groceries. It is dull and feels cold now. Remembrance Day service at the church to-morrow. Dad could take some pictures or letters.
love mom