Monday, November 10, 2014


The garden is very messy right now with patches of soaking wet grass, leaves and branches all around, and dead or dying flowers lying on the ground.  Even with all this;  the colors are beautiful in the leaves that are left.

On remembrance day we are reminded of the mess us human beings can make that cause war to continue when all we want is peace and justice and freedom for all.

We gathered around the little table at church where pictures and medals and other items had been placed in memory of loved ones who had past away.  So many families have been touched with grief in the life time of our older generation. 

The message was that when human beings look down on others and call them outsiders it causes hatred and violence to fester.  Yet, we are all aware of how hard it can be to be peacekeepers.

I know for a lot of people religion causes problems  that seem to mess up life and stir up arguments.

My challenge is to try to live my faith but also to hand it on to the next generation.  Faith that incudes words that express longing and love and healing not just words of obedience and knowledge.
PB090679Into our messy lives it is important to create tolerance and harmony so that peace becomes the fruit of the spiritual life.

This lovely grass was dug up by the racoons looking for grubs.

What a complete mess!


Sandra said...

My house is very messy right now. Finished the painting but did not get everything put back yet. Bought a new tv yesterday but when we got it out of the box and set up on the stand saw it had a small scratch on the screen. Randy will take it back today. See you tomorrow. Sandra

beth bennett said...

How disappointing about your T.V.

Your home must look lovely with the new paint that reflects more your personality,

Yes, see you to-morrow.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Those raccoons are even worse than I thought!

Tame deer are starting to be a problem in Kamloops. It will quickly get worse, I predict, in the next year or two, as numbers will sharply increase each year.



Anonymous said...

I'll see you all at your house for supper on Tuesday. I don't thonk I can make it to the bird sanctaury as I have a ton of work, plus our house deal is closing on Wednesday afternoon. xo Panteli