Wednesday, November 26, 2014



                                                   LIFE IS FULL OF CONTRASTS!

It is amazing what doctors can discover about the human body and the human brain.  Dad goes to get his heart halter removed and it is a miracle that every eat of his heart has been recorded on the box taped to his chest.  Since there was no apparent reason for this test we do not expect any negative reports but still it is good to have things completely checked out.

Every time I read scripture and study it with others I discover new possibilities.  Even reading commentaries experts will have different opinions. 

Dad and Kim are excited to put up Christmas lights and we do have a few on the trees from last year.  I am quite content with those.  But hey if they want to get creative they can do their thing.

Nancy you are not alone in not knowing exactly what to call yourself.  There are many different definitions of who is a Christian as there are different churches.  It is not really known when Christians were first called by that name.  They were called people of the way first. We are all on the way, our  way of discovery of truth and light.

Today there is a lot of critical thinking about what is really a metaphor or myth, and thus did not really happen.  
"In the state of postcritical naitivete , one knows the truth  of the birth stories lies in their meanings as metaphorical narratives.  It is archetypal religious imagery about the significance of Jesus and about the divine-human relationship."  Marcus Borg

Great care must be taken if we get stuck in this critical thinking which can seem liberating but there is the fear that it becomes a very arid and barren place in which to live.  T.S. Eliot's "wasteland".

Does it matter if Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem when it was more likely he was born in Nazareth?  I like to believe he was conceived by the Holy Spirit which would mean he was born with a sacred purpose.  He was one of us but also a  man who knew the mind of God. I think the story of a rough carpenter and a simple peasant girl continues to be a story that blesses us with a deeper meaning at Christmas. 

PB250838I was wondering what Joseph and Mary had to light the place where Jesus was born.  Maybe a simple oil lamp like this.  
I am extremely fortunate to have a group of good friends
who enjoy trying to figure out the puzzle of ancient words
and discover the meaning for our lives today.


Sandra said...

We won't have any lights up since we won't be here for Christmas. But it would be nice to have a few.

Got soaking wet on my lunch time walk at work, spent the afternoon trying to get my socks dry on my little heater.

Found out that the young receptionis who worked for us, has 2 small kids, looks like her husbands brain cancer treatment is not working AND he had just recently changed jobs so he has no medical coverage for the drugs. The girls and I are going to try and do something.

beth bennett said...

Dad came home soaking wet from his bike ride to the clinic but was fortunate to be able to put on dry things. That was very heavy rain.
Good for you girls trying to help. Knowing that some one cares and understands is huge.
Would she like to go on our prayer list at Colebrook.
Your lights were wonderful last year. Kim loves Christmas lights.
Off to bible study at Colebrook today.
love mom

Anonymous said...

I hope to put up some lights this year, they have a good range of solar lights ( as we have sunshine 12hrs a day it works here ) so no electrical issues. My back is killing me. I need to start bike riding again. Or get a new bed !!
Four late shifts then five days off.

nancy-Lou said...

I feel re-assured in knowing that I am not the only one not sure of what kind of Christian I am. I always learn something from my muse....Beth and today I learned that Christians were first called "people of the way".

The story of Christmas, whether true or not is a wonderful story of hope and goodness. I think many people today are a long way from what Christmas truly is about....I see a lot of greed and self indulgence..not real caring for others.
There is so much commercialism these days. We got off that train long ago and celebrate it simply...with one small gift each and a get together with family to visit and sing carols.
Family supper at our house on Christmas Day. I invite people of our community who are alone.

I play the piano for the Christmas Eve Community service, a secular service that is led by our friends and neighbours. What an amazing gift it is to play for them in the singing of the carols....always gives me chills to hear them sing so loudly that the church roof lifts up! Well almost!

How do you celebrate Christmas Beth? Do you have traditions you follow?

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...
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