Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hearing and seeing a flock of geese flying overhead as I had a short walk with Haiti stirs up a feeling of awe.

It is like hearing amazing music that can bring back new memories of time past.

We will be hearing the same words of scripture again this season that comes before Christmas.  I think that it is a miracle that the words of the Bible still are worthy of our taking time to listen.  These words have echoed over the centuries to tell a story of a brave young couple facing an uncertain future together.

What does it have to say that will speak to hearts that are seeking and wanted to hear something new and uplifting.  At this time it seems the words we hear on the radio are so bleak and soul numbing that life can seem so empty and futile.

PB260871When Mary hears the words of the angel she is told to not be afraid.

Can these words leap off the page as if they are spoken to me alone.  Sometimes those are the words I need to hear.

We will be going to hear Stewart M. on Sunday due to the generosity of  Carol and Panteli and the sound of his voice is one I can never forget and it is so comforting and encouraging and so familiar to those of us who listen to C.B.C.

Did not accomplish anything when we tried to go shopping at Costco.  Dad thought everyone would be at the black Friday stores and maybe it was not one.  He did not listen to me.

I can't believe it snowed! !


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping I can make it to stuart Maclean. Not sure if Carol mentioned that I landed a small consulting project out of Toronto that I can do by email, and the deadline is December 15. we are removing popcorn ceiling and it is very dusty. xo Panteli

Steady-as-rain said...

What did Haiti think of the Canada Geese?

I try to avoid shopping most all the time.



Sandra said...

I was a little surprised at how much snow we got too. Just waiting for Randy to get home and then I will head out with the dogs for a walk. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Haiti notices thinks more on the ground especially when it is a squirrel that is darting for a tree.
Short walk today if I can find my boots! Not nearly as brave as I use to be or maybe it was crazy. What a different a year makes.

Rick we ended up at Chapters where there was parking right at the door but a very busy store. I imagine that book stores are still a temptation for us both.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, the call of the geese as they fly overhead stirs an ancient memory in our soul doesn't it? The sandhill cranes really do that for me. They only fly overhead once in the spring and once in the fall...croaking as they fly.

It is cold on the coast....yikes....-6 and snow. We had a warm snap yesterday, up to -8, but the cold rolled in this afternoon as I did the outdoor errands.
brrrrr, the wind chill was brutal.

How wonderful to go and see Stuart Mclean...that is a thoughtful gift from Carol and Panteli. We enjoy him too.

We are finished with Costco until the New Year....the cars are lined up to get in to the parking lot. I do not like crowds or standing in line.

You may not be able to walk as far as you used to Beth, but you do very well to walk through rain and wind and snow....good for you! I am glad you have a companion in Haiti.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...
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