Sunday, November 30, 2014



A sunny cold Sunday.  Early walk to the duck pond.  Very icy so even slower than usual. Thankful for the few bare spots of sidewalk.   Met an old Panorama Church friend Doug Wells. We have made some wonderful friends over the years.  We may look at Christianity a little differently but we all value friendship, family and faith, and also laughter!  Sorry to miss our church service and the community of
 friends.PB300891Everything was well organized as we began our exciting journey into Vancouver to enjoy Stewart McLean as a family.  A cold and snowy day takes us from our neighborhoods by fields of winter white and tall evergreens into the city of bright lights and tall buildings.
Carol was organized and thoughtfully bought us tickets ahead of time.  A very special way to get in the mood for Christmas, listening to one of the best storytellers ever.

I was up early and so thankful for heat that comes on with a touch instead of the oil furnace we had in our first little army barracks where you had to throw a match into the right amount of oil in the bottom of it and hope you had not put in too much or it would explode.
Yes our place got very cold so even the dog was dressed in a nightie.

I get the handicap card out of our car to put into Carol’s and I am so thankful that it allows us to park closer and shortens the walk for dad. I hunt around for my camera too.

Dad and I are looking forward to hearing our favorite story teller who radiates the joy and spirit of Christmas.  Theresa will be joining us with Ben and Morgan who also love his stories.

We are very fortunate to have dad as our story teller who keeps our memories alive.


Steady-as-rain said...

I hope you liked Vinyl Café.

Sounds like we might have taken up a full row at the show. When will it be broadcast?



Sandra said...

It is always nice to get into the city once in awhile. It has such a different energy than out in the sticks where we live.

Hope you had a nice day.


beth bennett said...

Yes we sure did. I am not sure when it will be broadcast. Yes, it was fun to be in the big city.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Wonderful pictures! What a good looking bunch, the Bennetts are! The city pics are so pretty....especially the one with the lights on the trees. Vancouver is such a beautiful city.

We like Stuart McLean too....we listen to his podcasts on CBC. We have never been to an actual show. It must be even more funny to see him in person.

The sunny corner with the table looks like a great place to do some cards etc. We have stopped sending cards few people do them anymore and it is getting pretty expensive with the price of stamps now. It is a lovely thing to do.

It was -30 this morning, with a wind chill of -38. I worry about our son, Mark who works outdoors as a carpenter. They are pouring cement today...yes even at this cold temp. It is a foundation for a cottage...that will actually be like a fancy home...for wealthy people who use it for just a few weeks a year. There are no more outdoor biffies and pails to collect water from the well on the corner.
People want it to be just like their fancy homes in the city!

We only have one doctor's appointment this month. thank goodness. It is tomorrow, when Carl gets his second infusion. BRRRRr will have to dress warmly. I have ski pants and warm sorrel boots in the van along with a blanket for emergencies...just in case....travelling on the highways when it is this cold can be dangerous.

It is another great day....have a good one!

Love, Nancy